After World War Two, Germany was divided up amongst the Allies. Germany had 4 occupied zones controlled by the US, France, the UK, and USSR. Similarly, Berlin (within the Soviet zone) had 4 'sectors' that were also controlled by the 4 different Allies.
US, Britain and France decided to unite and introduce our currency called ‘Deutschmark“. The USSR didn’t support this plan so they decided to cut off the 3 western sectors of Berlin in June 1948. They cut off road,rail and canal links from western sectors to their sectors in Berlin.
therefore, the only way that they could receive supplies was by air.In order to receive food, fuel, and medical supplies, all of these had to be flown in through a 20-mile wide "air corridor" during a massive airlift known as OperationVittles. This operation lasted 11 months and involved almost 200,000 flights carrying 1.4million tons of supplies.
In May1949 the Soviet realised that the blockade was not having their desired effect so they dropped the travel restrictions.
The USA - they set up the North Atlantic Treaty organisation that involved western Allies,to insure communism didn’t spread
The USSR formed the Warsaw pact with other eastern European countries which ended in them building the Berlin wall in 1961.
The outcome of the Berlin blockade to the third country which is Germany was the result in division in Germany. Germany was divided into west and east. The east was a capitalist democracy and The west was a communist democracy.