Required practicals

Cards (11)

  • What is the dependent variable in the reaction time practical
    Length of where you catch the ruler
  • What is the independent variable in the reaction time practical
  • What is the control variable in the reaction time practical
    Same ruler
    Position of arm
  • Reaction time is the time taken for your body to react to a stimulus
  • Name a way to increase reliability for reaction time practical
    Repeat three times and calculate a mean
  • Factors affecting reaction time
  • Reaction time method
    1. Student A sits with their elbow resting on the edge of a table
    2. Student B holds a ruler with the bottom of the ruler level with the thumb of Student A
    3. Student B drops the ruler
    4. Student A catches the ruler and records the measurements
  • What is the dependent variable in the growth of newly germinated seedlings practical
    Height of each seedling
  • What is the independent variable in the growth of newly germinated seedlings practical
    Light intensity
  • What is the control variable in the growth of newly germinated seedlings practical
    Amount of seeds inside each petri dish
    Species of plant
  • Growth of newly germinated seedlings method
    1. Set up three petri dishes with cotton wool soaked in equal amounts of water
    2. Place the same amount of seeds in each petri dish and allow the seeds to germinate
    3. Once the have germinated, place one petri dish in an area with full sunlight
    4. Place another in and area with partial sunlight
    5. Place the last one in a cupboard with no sunlight
    6. Measure and record the length of each seedling for a week