Juno puts obstacles in Aeneas' way: the storm, marriage with Dido, the war with the Latins, the intervention of Juturna
Venus protects Aeneas in Carthage and Troy, makes Dido fall in love with him, stops him killing Helen, helps him find the golden bough, brings him a shield, and heals his wound
Juno and Venus vie to get his approval for their plans and are suspicious of each other
book 10 - they argue like 2 squabbling children about who is responsible for the trouble Aeneas is in
book 12 - Jupiter sees Juno watching the fighting from a golden cloud
they create excitement and suspense
an immortal can appear at will and intervene in the action
the audience can never be sure that things will go to plan
gives another tier of action
Venus stops Aeneas killing Helen
the ship-turned-nymphs warn Aeneas of the danger the camp is in
Juno removes Turnus from the battle by luring him away with a phantom of Aeneas
Apollo comes down from his cloud to restrain Ascanius
Faunus makes Aeneas' spear get caught in the tree stump
Venus removes the arrow head from Aeneas' leg
Juturna replaces Turnus' chariot-driver
they can represent human experience, and can be seen as symbols
when people in the Aeneid act under the influence of an immortal, they never act out of character
Mercury appearing to Aeneas could be interpreted as his conscious suddenly striking him, Cupid's arrow simply as falling in love
when the flame licks the head of Iulus in Troy, it's a light bulb moment - Anchises realises that he has to leave the city
the description of the 'wedding' in the cave could be one of divine intervention with Juno and the nymphs, but equally a description of a real storm, or the storm of passion
Amata being controlled by Allecto could be seen as giving in to the anger she already feels
they are a poetic expression
poetry involves using the art of words to recreate an image or idea
After Dido's death, Irish the rainbow goddess, comes to collect a lock of her hair, a suitable calm and beautiful image after the turmoil of her anguish and suicide
the gods are an important tool in the delivery of moral and political images
the presence of Jupiter and Fate reinforces the purpose of Aeneas' mission
book 2 - the flame on Ascanius' head and shooting stars are signs that Anchises must leave Troy
book 4 - Jupiter's message brought to Aeneas by Mercury reinforces his duty to make for Italy
the gods are symbolic of the continuity of the Roman state
Jupiter promises Juno that the new race will pay her honour
the Roman gods already have a shady presence in Evander's Pallanteum
Aeneas traditionally brought to Italy the sacred relics from Troy which were later housed in the Temple of Vesta in the Forum
the message to Romans was that the divine fire from Troy was still alive in Rome
the gods are important in the expression of political allusions
the gods, being immortal, can see the future
book 1 - Jupiter's speech to Venus tells of the glorious empire under Augustus
the shield made by Vulcan tells the story of important events in Rome's history, in particular, the battle of Actium
book 12 - Jupiter's speech to Juno discusses the nature of the new people that will be created