Organisms exchange substances with their environments

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  • Surface area to volume ratio
    - The surface area of an organism divided by its volume
    - The larger the organism, the smaller the ratio
  • Factors affecting gas exchange

    - diffusion distance
    - surface area
    - concentration gradient
    - temperature
  • Ventilation
    - Inhaling and exhaling in humans
    - controlled by diaphragm and antagonistic interaction of internal and external intercostal muscles
  • Inspiration
    - External intercostal muscles contract and internal relax
    - pushing ribs up and out
    - diaphragm contracts and flattens
    - air pressure in lungs drops below atmospheric pressure as lung volume increases
    - air moves in down pressure gradient
  • Expiration
    - External intercostal muscles relax and internal contract
    - pulling ribs down and in
    - diaphragm relaxes and domes
    - air pressure in lungs increases above atmospheric pressure as lung volume decreases
    - air forced out down pressure gradient
  • passage of gas exchange

    - Mouth / nose -> trachea ->
    bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli
    - crosses alveolar epithelium into
    capillary endothelium
  • Alveoli structure

    - Tiny air sacs
    - highly abundant in each lung - 300 million
    - surrounded by the capillary network
    - epithelium 1 cell thick
  • Why large organisms need specialised exchange surface?
    - They have a small surface area to volume ratio
    - higher metabolic rate - demands efficient gas exchange
    - specialised organs e.g. lungs / gills designed for exchange
  • Fish gill anatomy

    - Fish gills are stacks of gill filaments
    - each filament is covered with gill lamellae at right angles
  • How fish gas exchange surface provides large surface area?

    - Many gill filaments covered in many gill lamellae are positioned at right angles
    - creates a large surface area for efficient diffusion
  • Countercurrent flow

    - When water flows over gills in opposite direction to flow of blood in capillaries
    - equilibrium not reached
    - diffusion gradient maintained across entire length of gill lamellae
  • Name three structures in tracheal system

    - Involves trachea, tracheoles, spiracles
  • How tracheal system provides large surface area?

    - Highly branched tracheoles
    - large number of tracheoles
    - filled in ends of tracheoles moves into tissues during exercise
    - so larger surface area for gas exchange
  • Fluid-filled tracheole ends
    - Adaptation to increase movement of gases
    - when insect flies and muscles respire anaerobically - lactate produced
    - water potential of cells lowered, so water moves from tracheoles to cells by osmosis
    - gases diffuse faster in air
  • How do insects limit water loss?

    - Small surface area to volume ratio
    - waterproof exoskeleton
    - spiracles can open and close to reduce water loss - thick waxy cuticle - increases diffusion distance so less evaporation
  • Dicotyledonous plants leaf tissues

    - Key structures involved are mesophyll layers
    - (palisade and spongy mesophyll)
    - stomata created by guard cells
  • Gas exchange in plants

    - Palisade mesophyll is site of photosynthesis
    - oxygen produced and carbon dioxide used creates a concentration gradient
    - oxygen diffuses through air space in spongy mesophyll and diffuse out stomata
  • Role of guard cells

    - swell - open stomata
    - shrink - closed stomata
    - at night they shrink, reducing water loss by evaporation
  • Xerophytic plants

    - Plants adapted to survive in dry environments with limited water (e.g. marram grass/cacti) - structural features for efficient gas exchange but limiting water loss
  • - Adaptations to trap moisture to increase humidity -> lowers water potential inside plant so less water lost via osmosis
    - sunken stomata
    - curled leaves
    - hairs
    - thick cuticle reduces loss by evaporation
    - longer root network
  • Digestion
    - Process where large insoluble biological molecules are hydrolysed into smaller soluble molecules
    - so they can be absorbed across cell membranes
  • Locations of carbohydrate digestion

    Mouth -> duodenum -> ileum
  • Locations of protein digestion

    Stomach -> duodenum -> ileum
  • Endopeptidases
    - Break peptide bonds between amino acids in the middle of the chain
    - creates more ends for exopeptidases for efficient hydrolysis
  • Exopeptidases
    - Break peptide bonds between amino acids at the ends of polymer chain
  • Membrane bound dipeptidases

    - Break peptide bond between two amino acids
  • Digestion of lipids

    - Digestion by lipase (chemical)
    - emulsified by bile salts (physical)
    - lipase produced in pancreas
    - bile salts produced in liver and stored in gall bladder
  • Lipase
    - Produced in pancreas
    - Breaks ester bonds in triglycerides to form :
    - monoglycerides
    - glycerol
    - fatty acids
  • Role of bile salts
    - Emulsify lipids to form tiny droplets and micelles
    - increases surface area for lipase action - faster hydrolysis
  • Micelles
    - Water soluble vesicles formed from fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides and bile salts
  • Lipid absorption
    - Micelles deliver fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides to epithelial cells of ileum for absorption
    - cross via simple diffusion as lipid-soluble and non-polar
  • Lipid modification
    - Smooth ER reforms monoglycerides / fatty acids into triglycerides
    - Golgi apparatus combines triglycerides with proteins to form vesicles called chylomicron
  • How lipids enter blood after modification?
    -Chylomicrons move out of cell via exocytosis and enter lacteal
    - lymphatic vessels carry chylomicrons and deposit them in bloodstream
  • How are glucose and amino acids absorbed?
    Via co-transport in the ileum
  • Haemoglobin (Hb)

    - Quaternary structure protein
    - 2 alpha chains
    - 2 beta chains
    - 4 associated haem groups in each chain containing Fe2+
    - transports oxygen
  • Affinity of haemoglobin
    - The ability of haemoglobin to attract / bind to oxygen
  • Saturation of haemoglobin

    - When haemoglobin is holding the maximum amount of oxygen it can hold
  • Loading / unloading of haemoglobin

    - Binding/detachment of oxygen to haemoglobin
    - also known as association and disassociation
  • Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve

    - oxygen is loaded in regions with high partial pressures (alveoli)
    - unloaded in regions of low partial pressure (respiring tissue)
  • Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve shifting left

    - Hb would have a higher affinity for oxygen
    - load more at the same partial pressure
    - becomes more saturated
    - adaptation in low-oxygen environments
    - e.g. llamas/ in foetuses