Cards (9)

  • alpha and beta cells ar?
    pancreatic islet cells
    • pancreas
  • what does insulin do ?
    lower BGL
  • what does alpha cells do?
    secrete glucagon, increase BGL
    1. stimulates glycogenolysis: breakdown glycogen -> glucose
    2. stimulates gluconeogenesis: production of glucose from molecules (AA, fat)
    3. promote protein breakdown: Free AA for gluconeogenesis
  • WHat does BETA CELL do?
    secrete insulin, lowers BGL
    1. Promote uptake of glucose in cell
    2. increase rate of glycogenesis: produce glycogen from glucose
    3. Increase fat production from glucose
    4. Increase protein synthesis: decrease AA for gluconeogenesis
  • How do ADRENAL GLANDS play a role in regulation of BGL?
    Adrenal cortex, stimulated by ACTH: secretes CORTISOL
    • Regulates carbohydrate metabolism
    • Ensure all cells have sufficient glucose
    Thus, stimulates glycogenolysis and increase gluconeogenesis
    • Increase BGL
  • how does adrenal medulla affect BGL?
    Stimulates by sympathetic nervous system, secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline
    • both increase BGL available for increased rate of cellular metabolism for flight/fight response
  • where is glycogen found?
    skeletal muscle
    Converts glucose <-> glycogen
    blood glucose has 4 options:
    1. Removed from blood for storage as glycogen in liver
    2. continue circulate body; cell fuel
    3. Excess glucose -> fat
    4. Removed; fuel liver cell
  • high BGL
    stimulus: increased BGL
    receptor: chemoreceptors in Beta Cells
    Modulator: beta cells release insulin
    effector: liver/skeletal muscles
    Response: glycogenesis, increase fat production, increase cell uptake of glucose, increase protein synthesis
    feedback: decreased bgl