Ceteris Paribus is something that is used in the demand curve to isolate the price and demand variables
Factors affecting demand:
Price of the good itself
Price of supplementary and complementary good
Expected future prices
Changes in consumer tastes
Level of income
Size of population and age distribution
As price decreases, demand tends to increase
What is this?
The price-demand curve
Contraction in demand: demand become less
Expansion in demand: demand become more
What is this?
Demand increasing
What is this?
Demand decreasing
When demand increases
P will increase as Q stays the same
P will stay some as Q increases
When demand decreases:
P decreases as Q will stay the same
Q decreases as P will stay the same
Factors that can cause a change in demand:
Price of supplementary and complementary good/service
Individual taste and preferences
Future expected price of the product
Income, future expected income, and income demographics
Population size and age
Consumer tastes and preferences include positive and negative network externalities and technological improvements that reach a wide range of consumer preferences
Price of complement good and demand of product have direct relationship, meanwhile price of substitute good and product demand have an inverse relationship
Expected future prices and demand have direct relationship
Income levels and size of population only affect the quantity demanded more directly
Certain age group require different types of products, thus, those products might have a higher demand
Income distribution plays a huge role in demand as higher income level's Y value (C+S) increases, so does the demand for luxury goods and services. Vice Versa if their Y value decreases
Price elasticity of demand: The responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price.
Demand is the willingness and ability of a potential consumer to purchase a quantity of good/service at various price levels at a given point in time.
Contractions and expanisions are a result of internal changes in a firm, meanwhile increase and decrease are a result of external changes in a firm.
Factors that affect demand:
Price of complementary and supplementary goods and services
Consumer tastes and preferences
Age proportionality of the population
Future expected price of the product
Rise in consumer incomes/change in income distribution
Factors affecting elasticity of demand:
whether to good is luxury or a necessity
Whether it has any close substitutes
The expenditure on the product proportional to income