From fertilization to about 2 weeks of gestational age, zygote enters into cell division (mitosis) while making its way to the fallopian tube, differentiation - specialization of the cells to perform various tasks, blastocyst - fluid-filled sphere which floats freely in the uterus until 6th day after fertilization then it implants itself in the uterine wall, trophoblast - outer layer of cells that later provides nutrition and support for the embryo, ectoderm - outer layer (becomes outer layers of skin, nails, hair, teeth, sensory organs, and the nervous system), endoderm - inner layer (becomes digestive system), mesoderm - middle layer (becomes inner layers of skin, muscles, skeleton, and excretory and circulatory systems), amniotic sacs - encloses the developing embryo, protecting it and giving it a room and grow, placenta - allows oxygen, nourishment, and wastes to pass between mother and embryo, umbilical cord - connects the embryo to the placenta