Female and Male Genitalia

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  • Vulva or Pudendum
    Extends from the mons pubis to the anal opening
  • Mons Pubis
    -Fat pad located over the symphysis pubis -In normal adult, it’s covered with pubic hair in trangular pattern-Function: absorb force and protect symphysis pubis during coitus
  • Labia Majora
    • Two folds of skin that extend posteriorly and inferiorly from the mons pubis to the perineum
    • The outer surface is covered with pubic hair in the adult- The inner surface is pink, smooth, and mois
  • Dyspareunia
    difficult or painful intercourse
  • Anteverted
    most typical position of the uterus. The cervix is pointed posteriorly, and the body of the uterus is at the level of the pubis
  • Midposition
    is a normal variation. The cervix is pointed slightly more anteriorly (compared with the anteverted position), and the body of the uterus is position more posteriorly than the anteverted position, midway between the bladder and the rectum
  • Anteflexed
    is a normal variation that consists of the uterine body flexed anteriorly in relation to the cervix
  • Retroverted
    the cervix and the body of the uterus is tilting backwards
  • Retroflexed
    the uterine body is flexed posteriorly in relation to the cervix
  • Syphilitic Chancre
    A silvery white papules that becomes superficial red ulcers
  • Genital Warts
    Caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); a moist, fleshy lesions in the labia and within the vestibule
  • Genital Herpes Simplex
    Many small painful ulcers with erythematous base
  • Cystocele
    • Bulging in the anterior vaginal wall caused by the thickening of the pelvic musculature
    • As a result, the bladder, covered by the vaginal mucosa, prolapse into the vagina
  • Rectocele
    • Bulging in the posterior vaginal wall caused by the weakening of the pelvic musculature
    • Part of the rectum protrudes into the vagina
  • Uterine Prolapse
    The uterus protrudes into the vagina
  • Endometriosis
    • Growths of endometrial tissues may be felt as firm nodular masses
    • Pelvic pain and irregular bleeding are common
  • Salpingitis
    infection of the fallopian tube
  • Salpingo Oophoritis
    infection of the fallopian tube and ovary
  • Chandelier Sign
    extremely tender & painful bilateral adnexal masses.
  • Penis
    The male reproductive organ. Role in both reproduction and urination
  • Scrotum
    Thin-walled sac that is suspended below the pubic bone, posterior to the penis.
  • Testes
    Pair of oval-shaped organs, similar to the ovaries in the woman. Produce spermatozoa & the male hormone testosterone
  • Spermatic Cord
    Suspends the testes. Contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, & the vas deferens - which transfers sperm from the testes
  • Tunica Vaginalis
    Serous membrane covering the testes & separates it from the scrotal wall. It protects the testes from injury
  • Epididymis
    A comma-shaped, coiled, tubular structure that curves up over the upper & posterior surface of the testes. Where sperms mature
  • Inguinal Area or Groin
    This is where hernia commonly occurs
  • Hernia
    Protrusion of loops of bowel through wea area of the musculature
  • Lesions
    May be a sign of STI or cance
  • Herpes progenitalis
    clusters of pimple-like clear vesicles that enlarge and become ulcers
  • Cancer of the Glans Penis
    appears as hardened nodule or ulcer on the glands
  • Phimosis
    The foreskin cannot be retracted over the penis tip
  • Paraphimosis
    A foreskin that is left in a retracted position leads to venous congestion & edema of the foreskin
  • Hypospadias
    Urethral meatus is located underneath the glans
  • Epispadias
    Urethral meatus is located on the top of the glans
  • Hydrocele
    Collection of serous fluid in the scrotum
  • Cryptorchidism
    Failure of one or both testicles to descend into scrotum
  • Orchitis
    Inflammation of the testis
  • Torsion of Spermatic Cord

    A very painful condition caused by the twisting of spermatic cord
  • Varicocele
    Abnormal dilation of veins in the spermatic cord
  • Spermatocele
    Sperm-filled cystic mass located on the epididymis