
Cards (4)

  • not all authoritarian

    -Milgram found differences in characteristics of AP & those of obedient Ps in study
    -unlikely the 65% of Ps that fully obeyed had all experienced harsh parenting & had authoritarian personalities
    -Ps asked about upbringing not being raised by overly strict family
    -situational factors also explain obedience
  • weak evidence

    -showed situational factors very important in obedience
    -findings show changing situation effects obedience levels > challenging dispositional explanation
  • AP not real like explanation 

    -Adorno uses AP to explain anti-semitic behaviour
    -highly unlikely all of Germany possessed same personality
    -social identity explains obedience
    -Germans identified with anti-semitic Nazi state & consequently scapegouted to outgrop Jews
    -AP doesn't explain real obedience
  • methodological issues

    -F scale questions all worded in same direction
    -tendency to agree
    -no filler questions (risk of demand characteristics)
    -no lie detection questions (risk of social desirability bias)
    -lack internal validity