Biochemical - Protein

Cards (11)

  • Urinary creatinine excretion is a test used to assess the degree of depletion of muscle mass in marasmic patients, and the degree of repletion (act of eating to excess) after long-term intervention, provided that 72-hour urine collections are made. This is frequently expressed as the creatinine height index.
  • Serum proteins is a test used for the index of visceral protein status. It is easily measured but a rather insensitive index of protein status.
  • Serum albumin is a test used to reflect changes occurring within the intravascular (entry into a blood vessel) space. It is not very sensitive test to short-term changes in protein status.
  • Serum means blood
  • Creatinine is the word associated with protein
  • Serum transferrin is the test associated with transferrin
  • Transferrin is a serum beta-globulin protein synthesized primarily in the liver and is located almost totally intravascularly and it serves as the iron transport protein.
  • Retinol-binding protein is a carrier protein for retinol.
  • Serum retinol-binding protein test is associated with retinol-binding protein. This test's concentrations tend to fall rapidly in response to protein and energy deprivation and respond quickly to dietary treatment
  • Urinary urea nitrogen is the test of creatinine ratios are used as an index of dietary protein intake but not an index of long-term protein status.
  • Transferrin is primarily synthesized in the liver