Secondary modern schools : where the get a normal pass / about to pass
Technical schools : where student failed badly , only do vocational education ( education for maual workplace)
Believe its created equality = everyone do the same test at 11+
The compressive schools?
Took away 11+ tested
Made it all students go to local comprehensive school = avoid class divide ( catchment area )
Functionalist believe give students time to develop social integration from mixing classes
This took pupils to catchment area ( from going schools in there area )
new labour gov?
Aimed to reduce class inequality
Introduced higher programme = education tuition to better students grades
Intro EMA = give money to those who are still in higher/further education
Think these would make inequality less and a chance for w/c or do better
1988 education reform act ?
new rights introduced marketprinciples in schools in education to improve the standards in it ( eg competition)
intro national curriculum = set subject for all students to learn the same thing
publishing league & Ofsted reports = promotes competition & interests = made parents go to the school with the best grades
open enrolment = go beyond their catchment area and go any school like that
formula funding = funding determinate by the Amount of students there
parental choice increases
2010 ( Coalition Gov )?
Schools changed to academies
Academics act encouraged all schools to have more control= no control from LEAS
Free Schools have more control = funding comes for goverment
globalisation polices?
Global league tables = PISA = lead to competition for the best
British universities = get a good reputation = forgetters wants to go there
globalising and technological workplace increased = need for more itskills computer
ctrictsism of Bulter Act?
believe it reproduced class inequality between middle/working class= middle class students move to the beast areas = go grammar schools , positive labelling
reproduced gender inequality as girls have to score way higher in grammar entry school
ctrictsism of Comprehensive system?
Middle class have ecomnic capital to move from higher performing areas
Streaming & labelling in ethnic groups still divide socials classes