Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
Created by
Nadia Assaker
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Subdecks (11)
613 Mitzvot
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
2 cards
Torah lies at the heart of Judaism
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
2 cards
Ten Commandments
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
2 cards
Sinai Covenant
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
2 cards
Exodus- The Foundational moment in Judaism
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
4 cards
Red Sea
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
1 card
Death of the First Born
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
3 cards
Moses petitions the Pharaoh
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
2 cards
Moses' Mission
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
3 cards
Moses' encounter with God at Horeb
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
2 cards
Hisorical Context
SOR2 > Judaism > Moses, Exodus and The Giving of the Torah
5 cards