
Cards (8)

  • What year did Lorenz do his study?
  • What was Lorenz’ aim?
    To investigate imprinting
  • What is imprinting?
    Youngsters follow and form an attachment with the first large moving object they meet
  • What was Lorenz’ procedure?
    Randomly split goose eggs into two groups: one naturally hatched by mother, other hatched by Lorenz, who made sure he was first moving thing the goslings saw
  • What did Lorenz find?
    • Naturally hatched goslings followed their mothers around, incubated ones followed Lorenz around
    • The bonds were irreversible, goslings didn’t go to their mother when Lorenz was there
    • Imprinting only occurs in a critical period of 4-25 hours after hatching
    • Goslings imprinted on humans would try to mate with them
  • What are the strengths of Lorenz’ study?
    • Critical period influenced Bowlby’s research
    • Sexual advances suggest the importance of behaviour on future relationships
  • What does it suggest if imprinting is irreversible?
    Under biological control
  • What are the issues with Lorenz’ study?
    • Extrapolation issues, may not tell us about humans
    • Ethics - removes babies from their mother