Shingles – reactivation of latent hhv-3 viruses that move along peripheral nerves to skin
Herpessimplex – human herpesvirus 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2)
Cold sores or fever blisters – vesicles on lip
Herpesgladiatorum – vesicles on skin
Herpetic whitlow – vesicles on fingers
Measles – rubeola transmitted by respiratory route with macular rash and koplik's spot
Germanmeasles – caused by rubella virus showing macular rash and fever. Congenital rubella syndrome causes severe fetal damage
Fifth disease – erythema infectiosum caused by human parvovirus b19 produces mild flu-like symptoms and facial rash
Roseola – caused by human herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6) and 7 (hhv-7) produces high fever and rash lasting for 1-2 days
Oral thrush – an infection of mucous membrane caused by candida albicans.
Conjunctivitis – also called pinkeye or red eye commonly caused by haemophilus influenzae associated with unsanitary contact lenses.
Ophthalmia neonatorum – caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae transmitted to a newborn's eye during passage through the birth canal
Chlamydia trachomatis – causes trachoma which is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Infection causes permanent scarring; scars abrade the cornea leading to blindness
Meningitis – inflammation of the meninges caused by hemophilus influenzae, streptococcus pneumoniae & neisseria meningitidis produces an initial symptom of fever, headache & stiff neck
Encephalitis – inflammation of the brain
Tetanus – lockjaw caused by clostridium tetani a gram-positive. Endospore forming, obligate anaerobe produces a characteristic condition: opisthotonos.
Botulism – caused by clostridium botulinum caused by gram-positive, endospore-forming, obligate anaerobe. Intoxication comes from ingesting botulinal toxin blocking release of neurotransmitter causing flaccid paralysis
Leprosy – also called hansen's disease caused by mycobacterium ieprae
Tuberculoid (neural) form – loss of sensation in skin areas; positive lepromin test