
Cards (6)

  • What year did Harlow do his study?
  • What was the aim of Harlow’s study?
    To test learning theory
  • What was Harlow’s procedure?
    • Four conditions with different milk producing mothers (cloth or wire)
    • Amount of time spent with and time spent feeding was recorded
    • Monkeys frightened to see which they’d go to for comfort
  • What did Harlow find?
    • Monkeys preferred cloth mother regardless of whether she produced milk or not
    • Monkeys only with wire mother were distressed
    • When frightened, monkeys clung to cloth mother
    • When put in a large environment, monkeys with cloth mothers explored more and returned to her more
  • What are the conclusions Harlow came to?
    • In monkeys, there is an innate need for comfort over the need for food
    • Contact comfort is associated with emotional security
  • What are the weaknesses of Harlow’s study?
    • Extrapolation issues
    • Ethics - distress caused from separation and frightening