Ebola Case Study

Cards (12)

  • Ebola disease

    A group of deadly diseases in people caused by four ebolaviruses within the genus Ebolavirus
  • Ebola disease

    • It is a serious infectious disease spread between animals to humans and from person to person
    • The infection is transmitted by direct or indirect contact with the blood, body fluids or secretions of the infected people
  • Ebola viruses were first discovered when two consecutive outbreaks of fatal hemorrhagic fever occurred in different parts of Central Africa
  • The Ebola virus major outbreak began with the fatal infection of a young boy in Guinea who might have contracted the virus from a species of bat

    Late 2013
  • Guinea Ebola outbreak 2014-2016
    • It was the largest Ebola outbreak in history at the time
    • It had significant impacts on Guinea's healthcare system, economy, and society
  • The Guinea Ebola outbreak from 2014-2016 resulted in 2,536 reported cases and 1,606 deaths
  • Guinea has experienced several Ebola outbreaks since the virus was first discovered in 1976
  • Probability of Ebola outbreaks in Guinea

    • Influenced by the presence of the virus in animal reservoirs such as fruit bats
    • Population density and movement of the area
    • Socioeconomic factors such as healthcare infrastructure and public health measures
    • Changes in land use, deforestation, and climate change
  • Scale of spatial impact of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea 2014-2016

    • Local scale: significant impact on local communities, healthcare systems overwhelmed
    • Regional scale: affected neighbouring countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone
  • Ebola Virus
    A virus that has a natural reservoir in bats and can be transmitted to humans
  • First case of major Ebola outbreak thought to have occurred

    December 2013
  • Cause of Ebola outbreak in Guinea 2014-2016
    • Presence of virus in animal reservoirs, particularly fruit bats
    • Spillover events from bats to humans due to human encroachment into wildlife habitats or consumption of bushmeat
    • Guinea's population density and mobility
    • Limited healthcare infrastructure and resources
    • Cultural practices like traditional burial rites