Learning theory

Cards (6)

  • How do babies form attachments through classical conditioning?
    Food (unconditioned stimulus) -> happy baby (unconditioned response)
    Mother (neutral stimulus) + food (unconditioned stimulus) -> happy baby (unconditioned response)
    Mother (conditioned stimulus) -> happy baby (conditioned response)
  • How does positive reinforcement explain attachments?
    The food is the reward for the behaviour that causes feeding
  • How does negative reinforcement explain attachment?
    Baby feels hunger -> unpleasant feeling
    Being fed gives pleasure -> unpleasant feeling removed
    The source of food is a source of reinforcement, so baby seeks to be with food giver
  • What does Dollard and Miller say about learning theory?

    Babies are fed over 2000 times in their first year, usually by main caregiver, giving plenty time to make an association
  • What evidence goes against operant conditioning?
    In 39% of cases the mother (main feeder) was not babies main attachment
  • What is an issue with learning theory?
    Reductionist - cognitive process and emotional attachment play a part