former slaves would rent a small plot of land in return for giving landowners crops, provided autonomy, caused debt and poverty, suffered violence
Name three measures passed during reconstruction.
- Freedmen's Bureau - helped freed slaves with provision of food, education
- 14th and 15th Amendment
-First Enforcement Act - banned discrimination based on race or colour
Who were Radical Republicans?
congressmen who were active opponents of slavery - e.g. Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner
What was the Hayes- Tilden Compromise?
formal end to reconstruction
What were the black codes?
southern states laws in an attempt to try and control freed slaves e.g restrictions on work, forced labour
Who were the KKK?
terrorist organisation who advocated for white supremacy
When did the KKK return?
1915, by mid 1920s - 2.5 million membership, victims expanded to include Catholics, Jews, Trade Union members - though allegations of corruption depleted members
What was defacto segregation?
non lawful but still exists, found in north
What was the Gilded Age?
1875-1890s - period of economic growth
How were African American voting rights impacted in the Gilded Age?
Supreme court ruling that allowed segregation if it was "separate but equal".
How many African Americans could read by 1895?
How many African American professionals were there in 1900?
What percentage of African Americans lived in the South still in the Gilded Age?
Were black people barred from trade unions in the Gilded Age?
What was a positive consequence of segregation?
parallel markets developed e.g. hairdressing, so there was a growing middle class
How many African Americans fought in WW1?
What was the impact of WW1?
- fought in segregated troops
- realisation they were fighting for democracy when they didnt have it themselves
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
A literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture.
They didn't experience the Harlem Renaissance fully because...
- income fell below $200
- black people were unable to perform to black audiences
- music and poetry inspired by racial experience
- death rate 42% higher among African Americans
- return of KKK
What happened in the Chicago Riots?
Eugene Williams entered a whites only beach and was attacked, led to five days of riots - 38 deaths, 537 injured, 1000 black families made homeless
What was the Red Summer?
1919, 26 race riots across the USA
What was the Tulsa Race Riot?
Dick Rowland accused of assaulting a white girl, 2,000 white Americans surrounded prison and attempted to lynch him, some black people came to support him. 200/300 people died, 1,000 black homes and businesses burned
What were alphabet agencies?
Agencies created by the New Deal to deal with problems from the Great Depression.
Give three examples of New Deal agencies?
- CCC - gave jobs for young men
- WPA - provided jobs and education programmes, racial quotas
- AAA - agricultural protections
How many did the CCC house?
by 1933, 275,000 young men housed in 13,000 CCC camps
How much did someone on a CCC earn?
$30 a month, $25 sent home
How many jobs did the WPA provide?
1936-40 350,000 jobs a year, $52 a week
How many were taught to read and write under the WPA?
Who headed the FERA?
Harry Hopkins - sympathethci to black plight
What was discriminatory about the FERA relief checks?
$32.66 a month for white people, $19.29 for black people
What did the Roosevelt's do during the New Deal Era?
publicly denounced and spoke out against lynching - though Roosevelt was wary of alienating white voters
What was the Social Security Act?
funding for pensions, excluded domestic servants and agricultural workers - common black industry, unemployment benefits $18/week for 16 weeks max. first national system of benefits
What was the impact of the New Deal on black poverty?
- policies were racially inclusive, not equal
- aid didn't always reach African Americans
- agricultural workers typically excluded
- high amount of African Americans on relief
What are some arguments against progress post ww2?
- army segregation
- NAACP faced times of illegality (radical activity questioned with cold war)
- voter registration drives were met with resistance
How did public spending compare for a white vs black child post ww2?
Claredon County, South Carolina spent average $179 on a white child but only $43 on a black child