Cardiovascular disease

Cards (11)

  • cardiovascular diseases
    diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • coronary heart disease

    when the coronary arteries get blocked by fatty material building up. This causes the arteries to become narrow so blood flow is restricted and there is a lack of oxygen to the heart - can result in a heart attack
  • treatments for coronary heart disease
    • statins
    • stents
  • statins
    a drug which can reduce the levels or cholesterol in the blood to slow dawn the rate that fatty materials build up
  • statins
    + Reduce the amount of cholesterol
    + Increase the amount of beneficial cholesterol
    + may also help prevent other diseases
    ¬ could forget to take them
    ¬ negative side effects such as kidney failure
    ¬ effect of statins isn't instant
  • statins
    + reduces amount of cholesterol
    + Increase beneficial cholesterol
    + may also help prevent other diseases
    ¬ may forget to take pill
    ¬ takes time to work
    ¬ negative side effects e.g kidney faliure
  • stents
    tubes put into the artery to keep them open making sure blood can pass through
  • stents
    + effective for a long time
    ¬ can get infection from surgery
  • artificial heart
    mechanical devices that pump blood for a person whose heart has failed - temporary fix - less likely to be rejected as they are plastic/metal. could get an infection during surgery
  • biological or mechanical valves

    when valves are weakened they can be replaced with biological valves (from mammals) or mechanical valves (plastic)
  • artificial blood
    blood substitute to replace a lost volume of blood - help keep patient alive - could be an air bubble in the blood