Paper 1 (c)

Cards (50)

  • Dumping
    Where an overseas business sells products below cost in domestic firm
  • Infant industries
    New industries that still need to establish themselves
  • Protectionism
    An approach by government to protect domestic producers
  • Common market/ single market

    Market where goods and services can more freely among member countries
  • Customs union

    A market where trade barriers are reduced and all member countries adapt the same rules/barriers against non-member counties
  • Preferential trade area

    Low tariffs on certain products
  • Economic and monetary union

    Trade barriers are removed - goods can move freely and common currency
  • Free trade area

    Remove trade barriers among member states but keep different barriers with other countries
  • Economic union
    Custom union and common market
  • Regional trade agreement
    Trade agreement between a specific geographic location which involves reducing trade barriers to encourage trade
  • Rules of origin

    Products made must be certified in the country made (regional trade agreement)
    Association of southern east Asia nations - 10 countries including Singapore and Vietnam
  • Economies of scale

    Increasing the scale of production leads to efficiency and lower costs
  • Labour productivity
    Amount of goods produces by one hour of labour
  • Offshoring
    Shifting jobs to another country (BT: call centres to India)
  • Outsourcing
    Shifting jobs to other organisations
  • Product life cycle

    The stages a product goes through: development, introduction, growth, maturity and decline
  • Pull factors

    Economies of scale and risk spreading
  • Push factors

    Competition and saturated market
  • Saturation
    Limited opportunity for the product to grow
  • Disposable income
    Amount of money a person has left over after paying taxation and other necessities
  • Exchange rate
    Price of one currency to another
  • Infrastructure
    Basic system, facilities and services required for a country's economy (schools, hospitals, transportation links)
  • Reshoring
    Bringing production back home after using it abroad
  • Assessment of a country as a production location

    Ease of doing business, infrastructure, political stability, skills and availability of a labour force, natural resources, likely return on investment and location in trading bloc
  • Assessment of a country as a market

    Ease of doing business, infrastructure, disposable income, political stability and exchange rate
  • Franchising
    Where a business allows another to operate under its name
  • Licensing
    Produce another businesses products and use its intellectual property in exchange of a fee
  • Intellectual property

    Intangible property that is a result of creativity (copyright)
  • Barriers to entry

    Factors that make it difficult for new entrants from entering the market
  • Differentiation
    Setting the product apart from its rivals - through USP or a established brand
  • Skill shortages

    Where potential employees don't have the skills that employer is looking for
  • Economic risk

    Future cash flows will change due to unexpected fluctuation in exchange rate
  • Global marketing strategy
    Process of adjusting a company in order to meet a certain country's requirements (language or promotion)
  • Global niche market

    Customers that have specific needs in more than one country which is not met by global mass markets
  • Cultural/social factors

    Unintended meanings, language, inappropriate/inaccurate translations, differing tastes and inappropriate/inaccurate promotion
  • Ethnocentrism
    Tendency of people to view their own culture, ethics and norms as superior
  • Cultural audit

    Study or examination of a country's culture to determine whether they support or hinder the business's mission statement and vision
  • High-context culture

    Emphasise interpersonal relationships (build trust for example)
  • Low-context culture

    Emphasis on direct language