Cultural variations

Cards (6)

  • Who did research into cultural variations?
    Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg
  • What did Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg do?
    Meta analysis of 8 countries that uses the strange situation to assess mother-child relationships
  • What did Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg find?
    • Differences in attachment type within a country were often greater than attachment types between different countries
    • Chinese participants are usually represented as insecure-avoidant, when in fact that is just their culture and the way they raise children
    • Overall attachment was: Type A - 21%, Type B - 67%, Type C - 12%
  • What do cross-cultural studies suffer from?
    Imposed etic
  • What may be the reason for differences within cultures?
    Socio-economic differences
  • What is the difference between intra and inter?
    Intra: within Inter: between