Privation and long-term separation

Cards (7)

  • What is privation?
    Children who have never had an attachment
  • What did Freud and Dann find about privation?

    6 children raised without an attachment were hostile to others but devoted to each other. When placed with an attachment figure they made rapid developments
  • Who is Genie?
    Had no attachment figure and didn’t develop emotionally or physically. When taught, she could learn words but not sentences
  • What are the issues with case studies?

    Dependant on retrospective memories that may be incorrect
  • What is long term separation?
    Lengthy separation from an adult, eg divorce or imprisonment
  • What do Rodger’s and Pryor say about divorce?

    Children experiencing 2 or more divorces are more likely to have behaviour issues
  • What are some positives of research into divorce?
    Allows us to come up with strategies to help children cope with it