Cards (12)

  • persecution
    unfair or cruel treatment
  • martyrdom
    suffering of death or affliction for a cause or faith
  • Christianity
    the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture
  • In the first three centuries, the Roman Empire was a hostile place for the early Christian Church
  • Christianity was punishable by death during this era
  • Pardon
    the action of forgiving
  • renounced
    to give up
  • Pardon was given to those who renounced their faith by offering sacrifice to the emperor or Roman gods
  • Honoring gods and goddesses was considered a civic obligation
  • Christians who refused to abandon their faith were convicted guilty of treason
  • Forms of persecution
    • Imprisonment
    • Beating
    • Crucifixion
    • Beheading
    • Burning at stake
    • Feeding to wild beasts
    • Skinning them alive
    • Cooking them to death
  • Emperors and description of persecution
    • Nero (67 CE) - Brutal, torture, imprisonment, burned alive as human torches in Nero's gardens
    • Domitian (87 CE) - Arrests, confiscation of property, executions of those who refused to worship him as god
    • Trajan (108 CE) - Punished those who refused to renounce their faith and offer sacrifices to Roman gods