Cards (38)

  • what are the consequences of war

    victory and defeat
  • points of the just war theory

    must be started by a figure of authority
    peace mist be the goal
    avoid civilian death
    last resort
    good chance of winning
  • what is civil war
    war between people living within the same country
  • how does greed fit into war
    war is to gain things which is greedy and selfish so is not approved by religion
  • what is retaliation
    when someone attacks so someone else attacks back
  • for war
    you shall destroy them
    eye for an eye
    there is a time for killing a time for war and a time for peace
  • what are conscientious objectors
    people who refuse to fight in wars but may still assist in non military war jobs
  • what are weapons of mass destruction

    weapons that have the ability to destroy lots, landscapes, cities, people
  • what are nuclear weapons
    atomic bombs that cause immediate destruction of all life. the radioactive fallout has long lasting effects
  • what are biological weapons
    use of living diseases causing viruses that can cause serious illness
  • what is chemical warfare
    non living toxins which can death
  • what is a radio-logical weapon

    a bomb that disperses radioactive material when it explodes
  • what is terrorism
    the unlawful use of violence to achieve a political goal
  • examples of terrorism
    the holocaust
    2004 Spanish train bombing
  • some terrorists believe that there acts legitimate because of there beliefs
  • why is religion a cause of war

    different views on claiming holy land
  • why is economics a cause of war

    other countries are gate keeping resources
  • why is social viewpoints a cause of war
    enforcing strong viewpoints on others which cause war
  • why is ethnicity a cause of war
    favouring ethnic groups
  • humanists disagree with war because it hurts so many people
  • self defence= many wars are started in self defence to protect their country, a preemtive strike
  • if anyone strikes you on the right cheek turn the other cheek also
  • Mohammed led Muslims into war
  • christians may fight fir justice under the conditions of the just war theory
  • jeues died to bring forgiveness and reconcilliation
  • forgive not 77 but 7 times 7 times
  • agapaic love= unconditional love which can lead to forgivness
  • jews believe in tzedakah which is about justice
  • christians do not believe in violent protests and believe that they should try to talk first
  • god gave people free will so they should be able to do whatever and engage in war
  • blessed are the peacemakers
  • if your enemy is hungry feed him
  • overcome evil with good
  • everyone must commit themselves to peace
  • for i was hungry and you gave me something to drink
  • declare holy war call the troops to arm
  • everyone who draws the sword will die by the sword
  • for love of money is the root of all evil