utterson is loyal to his friends despite their sinfulness
- utterson's lovability may stem from the only interesting quality stevenson gives him: his loyalty to his friends no matter what they do wrong
- out of loyalty to jekyll and his desire to care for his clients, he wants to investigate the case with hyde; later we find that he investigates it to find out more about jekyll's evil side - he is presented as nosy
- he represnts the epitomes of victorian gentleman and consistently seeks to preserve order and decorum, doesn't gossip and guards his friends' reputations as though they were his own
- even when he suspects jekyll of criminal activities with hyde, he sweeps it under the rug rather than potentially ruining his friend's reputation; when he sees jekyll may have forged the letter from the murderer of danvers carew, utterson should have taken that to police but chooses not to to protect jekyll's reputation
- utterson does this as he is attracted to hyde's evil just as jekyll is too