The next level of living for a human being, where families live together in a relationship of mutual fulfillment
A society can only be conceived if it has families living together in a relationship of mutual fulfillment, otherwise it is just a crowd or battlefield
Goals of a human being living in a society
Right understanding in every human being
Prosperity in every family
Fearlessness (trust) in the society
Co-existence (mutual fulfillment) in nature
The prevailing false assumptions in society are: happiness is sought through accumulation of physical facility (money) by any means, and using it for getting sensations from the body or feelings from others
Obsessions in the current society
Obsession for consumption
Obsession for profit
Obsession for sensual pleasure
Instead of the goals of fearlessness (trust) and mutual fulfillment, the current society has domination, exploitation and fear
Dimensions (Systems) of Human Order
To develop right understanding of the harmony at all levels of being - from self to the entire existence
To develop the basic acceptances of the harmony at various levels
The feeling of responsibility towards the Body, for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the Body
The Body is able to act according to the instruction of the Self and the different parts of the Body are in harmony
Work is the effort a human being does on the rest of nature and Production is the physical facility obtained from work
Criteria for how to produce
The process needs to be cyclic and mutually enriching (eco-friendly)
Justice needs to be ensured in relationship with human being (people-friendly)
Recognition of human-human relationship, its fulfilment and evaluation leading to mutual happiness
Recognition of relationship of human being with the rest of nature, its fulfilment and evaluation leading to mutual fulfillment
Sharing or exchanging physical facility with a view of mutual fulfillment and not with the obsession for profit
Preserving physical facility after the fulfillment of needs, so that it is available, when required, with a view of mutual fulfillment and not with the obsession for accumulation or exploitation
Scope of society
Family order
Family cluster order
Village order
Village cluster order
Nation order
World family order
The natural outcome of right understanding is happiness in every individual, prosperity in every family, fearlessness (trust) in the society and co-existence (mutual fulfillment) in nature/existence
Process of development of a child
The child intrinsically has a desire to understand what is right, to learn right skills and to do what is right. The child expects others to help him/her in learning and in understanding with a feeling of affection.
If the child finds that the inputs are not right, it starts to have doubts on elders, teachers and tries out something on its own. If the knowing does not take place, the child's conduct remains indefinite and inhuman.