Zinoviev and Kamenev urged that Lenin's secret testament should not become general knowledge, probably because it was not very flattering about them and their opposition to Lenin in 1917, and they thought Stalin presented no real threat to them or the party and they wanted Stalin's help in defeating Trotsky
Despite making brilliant speeches, Trotsky was easily defeated in the votes because the congress was packed with 'well-instructed Stalinist delegates' as well as the powerful blocs controlled by Zinoviev and Kamenev
Trotsky could have appealed to supporters inside and outside the party, but he had approved the 'ban on factions' in 1921 and was unwilling to cause splits in the party
Trotsky retaliated by attacking Zinoviev and Kamenev in Lessons of October, in which he criticised their unwillingness to back Lenin in the 1917 revolution
Zinoviev and Kamenev allowed Stalin to bring more of his supporters into key positions in the party organisation, forming the majorities on committees and at conferences
In 1925, Stalin's policy of "Socialism in One Country' proved very popular with party members, attracting the right wing of the party because it seemed to fit in with the NEP- their own route to socialism
At the Fourteenth Party Congress in 1925, Zinoviev and Kamenev attacked Stalin, calling for a vote of no confidence in him, the ending of the NEP and a tough line against the peasants
But Stalin's control of the party machine was now so complete that Zinoviev and Kamenev gave him little trouble, as they lost every vote because Stalin had control of the delegates
In 1926, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Trotsky joined to form a 'United Opposition' and made a direct appeal to the party masses and the workers, trying to organise demonstrations in Moscow
In 1928, Stalin turned against the NEP and attacked the right wing of the party, now advocating rapid industrialisation and the use of force to make the peasants co-operate - the very policies of the left that he had just smashed
Bukharin mounted a strong defence of the NEP but at the congress of 1929 found himself outvoted by Stalin's supporters, who were joined by those on the left who supported the anti-NEP line