Cards (11)

  • Schwann cells make up the myelin sheath of myelinated neurons. The gaps are nodes of ranvier
  • synapse is a junction between a neuron and the next cell
  • the gap between the cells is a synaptic cleft
    • presynaptic knob contains vesicles full of NTS
    • when electrical impulses reach the knob the vesicles move to the pre synaptic membrane and release the NTS
    • NTS diffuse across cleft and bind to receptors on post synaptic membrane triggering responses such as an electrical impulse or hormone secretion if the post synaptic cell is a gland
  • impulses are undirectional cos receptors are only on the post synaptic membrane
  • NTS left in cleft are reuptaken by pre synaptic neuron or broken down by enzymes
  • NTS can be excitatory ( increase likelihood of electrical impulses being triggered) or inhibitory ( make it less likely)
  • NTS
    • acetylcholine = movement, memory, learning, sleep
    • dopamine = pleasure and reward
    • noradrenaline = similar to adrenaline
    • serotonin = mood reg
    • GABA = inhibits impulses
  • summation = total charge inside neruon
  • action potential = impulse, if reaches threshold of -55mv the neuron fires
  • saltatory conduction = impulse jumps between nodes of ranvier to increase charge - makes firing more likely