A simile compares two things by saying like or as and they are used to illustrate that two things are similar
Stichomythia is a single line uttered in quick succession between speakers usually during intense emotion or an altercation
Used to create tension between the two speakers and change the pace or set the power dynamic in a conversation
Iambic pentameter is where lines are spoken in the rhythm of a heart beat (dee-dum) giving structure and echoing human emotion in a scene
Feminine endings are used to convey a character as weak or indecisive
A pronoun is used instead of a noun to avoid repeats
Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradicting terms appear in conjunction to provide dramatic effect
thou is informal and intimate whilst you is formal with respect and both terms can change the type of message
Anthropomorphism is where human characteristics are given to a god, animal or object which can be used to increase prosocial behaviour toward other humans
Hyperbole is an overstatement or exaggeration
Emotive language are word choices made to evoke an emotional response : they create a sense of urgency and excitement or fear
Prose is used in regular writing to make message clear and coherent for the reader
Blank verse is where the lines follow a rhyme scheme to make message clear and coherent for the reader
Assonance is a resemblance of sound between syllables of nearby words used to create a sense of rhythm
Anaphora is a word referencing another word previously mentioned to avoid repetition
Euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant which can come off as harsh or insensitive
Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence without a pause at the end of a line which can quicken the pace of a poem
A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines
Aside is a short sentence that a character delivers to the audience allowing them to connect to the audience
A soliloquy is the act of speaking thoughts aloud regardless of if people hear which often gives the audience access to the characters state of mind
Dramatic irony is where the reader knows more than the character which can create a sense of tension and suspense
Mono syllables consist of one syllable
In media res is in the middle of a narrative and shifts the story in a different direction
Foil is used to prevent something from occurring which helps provide deeper understanding of characters
Malapropism is the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding one