
Cards (24)

  • "You punish too severely!"
    • cadmus at dionysus
  • "It is not right that gods should resemble mortals in their passions."
    • cadmus at dionysus
  • "Women, I bring you the man who makes a mockery of you and of me and my rites! Now take vengeance on him!"
    • dionysus at the maenads
  • "You are a man to inspire terror, great terror!"
    • dionysus at pentheus
    • a cautionary tale
  • "I am in your hands."
    • pentheus at dionysus
    • greek word - anakeimestha - suggests this to mean as a sacrifice
  • "Divine power is certain. It corrects mortals who worship arrogance and do not revere the divine."
    • chorus
  • "Would you like to see them sitting together on the mountains?"
    "Very much! I would give countless piles of gold for it."
    • dionysus and pentheus
    • pentheus' thirst for knowledge
  • "Then you must clothe your body in a linen dress."
    • dionysus at pentheus
    • the switch from suggestions to orders
    • shift in power
  • "...women overcoming men! Some god must've been there."
    • messenger about maenads
    • ideas about women - can only be stronger than men with divine aid
  • "I fear the swiftness of your moods...and your temper which is excessively kinglike."
    • messenger at pentheus
    • pentheus tyrannical traits
  • "Who would look after me if you were to come to harm?"
    • chorus at dionysus
  • "Burn the house of Pentheus!"
    • dionysus
    • foreshadowing, pentheus family soon to be in ruins
  • "You are well named for disaster."
    • dionysus at pentheus
    • penthos - meaning pain or grief
  • "Seize him! He is mocking me and thebes!"
    • pentheus about dionysus
    • wounded pride
    • contrast to when Di says a similar thing to maenads
  • "That is a clever trick, to make me want to hear!"
    • pentheus at dionysus
  • "Tell a lie in good cause...and honour may come to our whole family."
    • cadmus at pentheus
  • "...cutting his head from his body,"
    "...death by hanging"
    "...punished by stoning."
    • pentheus on how he will punish Dionysus
    • inconsistent and aggressive, indicative of tyranny?
  • "Women who have a sense of right will not be corrupted."
    • tiresias about the women of thebes
    • attitudes towards women
  • "You do not shame Phoebus with your words."
    • chorus about tiresias
    • contrasting what pentheus says
  • "to the gods it is poured as libation, so through Dionysus people may have good fortune."
    • tiresias on dionysus
  • "You want to bring this new god to mankind so you can make more money from augury and sacrifices."
    • pentheus at tiresias
    • sophistry
  • "the mother of Actaeon - Autonoe, I mean,"
    • pentheus when talking about maenads
    • attitudes to women
  • "This is why I have stung them into a frenzy."
    • Dionysus on his aunts' treatment of semele
  • "When I have put things right here."
    • dionysus on his plans for thebes