
Cards (41)

  • "Huddling at my altar, praying before me."
    • Oedipus
    • hubris, to assume the role of the gods
  • "The world knows my fame, I am Oedipus."
    • Oedipus
    • hubris
  • "I would be blind to misery."
    • Oedipus
    • dramatic irony
  • "My children, I pity you."
    • Oedipus
    • benevolent leader at beginning
  • "I acted at once, I sent Creon."
    • oedipus
  • "I'll bring it all to light myself."
    • Oedipus
    • search for the truth, irony
  • "We will see our triumph - or our fall."
    • Oedipus
    • city's triumph, Oedipus' fall.
  • "You pray to the gods? Let me grant your prayers."
    • Oedipus
    • hubris
  • "Let that man drag out his life in agony"
    • Oedipus
    • irony
    • about himself
  • "To force the gods to act against their will - no man has that power."
    • Oedipus
    • tries to circumvent prophecy
  • "How terrible - to see the truth when the truth is only pain to he who sees!"
    • tiresias
  • "You know and you won't tell? You're bent on destroying us? Destroying Thebes?"
    • Oedipus at Tiresias
    • paranoia
  • "You'd enrage a heart of stone!"
    • Oedipus at Tiresias
  • "What will come will come, even if I shroud it all in silence."
    • Tiresias
  • "Stone-blind, stone-deaf - senses, eyes as blind as stone!"
    • Oedipus
  • "Creon! Is this his conspiracy or yours?"
    • oedipus
    • growing paranoia
  • "Eyes peeled for his own profit"
    • oedipus about tiresias
  • "Oedipus the ignorant."
    • Oedipus
  • "Who are your parents? Do you know?"
    • tiresias
    • plot/focus shift
  • "No man will ever be rooted from this earth as brutally as you."
    • Tiriesias
  • "Your great fortune, true, it was your ruin."
    • Tiresias
    • reference to Oedipus' fatal flaw - hubris
  • "Never will I convict my king, never in my heart."
    • chorus
    • city's loyalty to Oedipus
  • "I see it all - the marauding thief himself, scheming to steal my crown and power!"
    • Oedipus
    • ironic as he is blinded by his paranoia
  • "I move quickly too."
    • Oedipus
    • quick to act, quick to anger
  • "You want me banished?" - Creon
    "No, I want you dead." - Oedipus
    • tyrannical traits - aggression
  • "You - my mortal enemy?"
    • Oedipus at Creon
    • paranoia - they were kinsmen a few pages prior
  • "Your words move me."
    • Oedipus
    • benevolent king, listens to his people
  • "A prophet? Well then, free yourself of every charge!"
    • Jocasta
    • Dismissal of prophecy
    • Sophistry
  • "I have a terrible fear the blind seer can see."
    • Oedipus
  • "What man alive more miserable than I? More hated by the gods?"
    • Oedipus
  • "So much for prophecy...from this day I wouldn't look right or left."
    • Jocasta
    • dismissal of prophecy
  • "Pride breeds the tyrant."
    • chorus
  • "Why scan the birds that scream above our heads?"
    • Jocasta
    • dismissal of prophecy and omens
  • "Fail to solve the mystery of my birth? Not for all the world!"
    • Oedipus
    • Curiosity
  • "Listen to me, I beg you, don't do this." - Jocasta
    "Listen to you? No more. I must know the truth, see it all at last." - Oedipus
    • Oedipus ignores every warning given to him
  • "So you won't talk willingly - then you'll talk with pain."
    • Oedipus
    • excessive violence - tyranny
  • "O Oedipus, name for the ages."
    • chorus
    • mocking, now knowing the truth
  • "Circling, like a maddened beast, stalking"
    • Messenger about Oedipus
    • animalistic/monstrous
  • "What superhuman power drove you on?" - Chorus
    "I did it all myself!" - Oedipus
    • about gouging his eyes out
    • also about quest for the truth - the journey that lead to his downfall
  • "It's mine alone, my destiny - I am Oedipus!"
    • Oedipus
    • contrasts the claim in the prologue