10. Marketing, competition and the customer

Cards (15)

    • Marketing: Identifying and satisfying customer needs and satisfying them profitably.
    • Customer: a person, business or other organisation which buys goods or services from a business.
    • The different marketing department sections:
    • Sales Team: responsible for the sales of products.
    • Market Research: responsible for discovering customers’ needs, market changes, and the impact of competitors’ actions. This report will be used in decision-making, research, developing new products, price levels, etc.
    • Promotion Section: deals with organizing the advertising for products. Arrange for advertisements and have a market budget.
    • Distribution: transports the products to the market.
    • The Role of Marketing:
    • Identify customer needs.
    • Satisfy Customer Needs
    • Maintaining customer loyalty
    • Customer Loyalty
    • Building customer relationships to gain information about customers
    • Customer Relationships: communicating with customers to encourage them to become loyal to the business
    • Anticipate changes in customer needs
    • Identify new trends in customer demands
    • When the marketing department succeeds in identifying customer requirements and future needs, it will enable the business to:
    • Raise customer awareness
    • Increase in revenue and profitability
    • Increase or maintain market share
    • Maintain or improve the image
    • Target a new market or market segment
    • Enter a new market at home or abroad.
    • Develop new products or improve existing products.
    • Markets change because consumer spending patterns change; this might be due to the following:
    • Trends and Fashions Change
    • Advancement in Technology
    • Unemployment/Wages: high unemployment rates/low wages will decrease sales of expensive products
    • Ageing Population: different ages are interested in other products
    • Businesses must keep up with customers' changing needs to stay relevant and maintain customer loyalty.
  • Some markets have become more competitive because:
    • Globalisation: products are sold all over the world
    • Transportation: it is cheaper, quicker, and easier to send products around the world now
    • Internet/e-commerce: customers can now search for products or services and buy from somewhere else around the world
    • The ways businesses respond to changing spending patterns and increased competition:
    • Keep improving its existing products
    • Bring out new products to keep customer’s interest
    • Keep costs low
    • maintain good customer relationships
  • Mass Market: where there is a vast number of sales of a product type.
    • Pros:
    • Total sales are very high
    • There are many variations of products, so the risk is spread.
    • Opportunities for growth
    • Cons:
    • Abundant competition
    • High costs of advertisement and promotionmay not meet the specific needs of all customers
    • Niche Market: a small, specialized segment (part) of a mass market.
    • Pros:
    • Avoid competition with big businesses
    • specific needs are focused
    • Cons:
    • Small – limited sale
    • they specialize in just one product; if the product has low demand, it will fail.
    • Market Segmentation: an identifiable subgroup of a whole market where consumers have similar characteristics or preferences.
    • A market can be segmented by:
    • Age
    • Socio-Economic people according to how much money they make
    • Region/Location – where people live (ex, people who live in wet areas will buy more waterproof clothing than those who live in dry areas)
    • Gender – men's and women's products differ
    • Lifestyle – ex: how many children a person has, religion, habits, etc.
    • Use of the product - products may be used for different uses (ex, cars for business use and domestic use, each the same product but can be marketed differently)
    • Benefits of Market Segmentation:
    • You can use it to sell more products, creating different variations for different groups.
    • as the characteristics of consumers are known, resulting in an increase in sales.
  • which method of segmentation should be used?
    • Detailed analysis of the market and the ‘size’ of each potential segment in terms of consumers and likely sales.
    • company image and brand
    • cost of entering each segment