Cards (40)

  • inflammation of the colon (large intestine)
  • low-volume, painful, bloody diarrhea
  • inflammation of he small intestines
  • inflammation of the mucosal lining of the stomach
  • inflammation of the mucosal ng of the stomach and intestine
  • inflammation of the liver
  • it produces voluminous, watery diarrhea due to its ability to induce increased electrolyte secretion
    vibrio cholerae
  • in the mouth, the gums are usually affected causing periodontitis
  • is it capable of burrowing through the intestinal wall
  • perforation of an inflamed appendix can lead to
  • tooth decay is the disease known as dental caries
  • what organism causes dental caries?
    streptococcus mutans
  • periodontal disease is the inflammation and degeneration of structures that support the teeth
  • gingivitis is the inflammation of the gingivae or gums
  • acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is also known as vincent's disease or trench mouth
  • candida albicans is the fungus that is part of the normal flora of the skin, mucous membranes
  • mumps (epidemic parotitis) is a highly communicable disease characterized by painful inflammation of the salivary glands
  • most common cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers
    helicobacter pylori
  • HAV is an RNA virus (heparnavirus) that causes?
    infectious hepatitis
  • HBV causes what?
    serum hepatitis
  • HCV causes?
    parenteral hepatitis
  • HDV causes?
    delta hepatitis
  • HEV is the major cause of?
    enteric hepatitis
  • it is most commonly caused by enteric viruses
    viral gastroentritis
  • it is the most common viral cause of gastroenteritis
  • the organism is a gram-positive aerobic rod or bacillus
    bacillus cereus
  • a classic case of food poisoning
    bacterial enterocolitis (food poisoning)
  • staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of food poisoning
  • clostridium perfringens is a large, rectangular gram-positive rod
  • a marine organism, it is curved and gram-negative coccobacillus
    vibrio parahaemolyticus
  • escherichia coli is a gram-negative, motile, encapsulated rod
  • enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec) is a major cause of "traveler's diarrhea" or "turista"
  • enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) is an important cause of diarrhea in infants in developing countries
  • enteroaggregative e.coli produces acute chronic diarrhea
  • enteroinvasive e.coli causes invasion of the colonic mucosa
  • salmonella are gram-negative, encapsulated, motile rods
  • shigellae are gram-negative, non-motile, non-encapsulated rods
  • yersinia enteroclitica is a gram-negative, urease-positive rods
  • oral thrush is most commonly caused by candida albicans
  • infection with home canned foods and ingestion of unpasteurized honey

    clostridium botulinum