
Cards (100)

  • Why does Armirage use nature imagery?

    He contrasts the naturalness of life with the harsh and alien effects of war - presenting this type of grief as unnatural and unjust. Critising futility of war and urging us to remember those who sacrificed their lives for us
  • Which 2 poems would be used to compare Grief?
    As Imperceptibly as Grief
    The Manhunt
  • How does the tone in The Manhunt differ to As Imperceptibly as Grief?
    Tender and compassionate (Eddie has Laura) vs solitary and mournful (Emily = known recluse)
  • Which quotes does Dickinson use to create a solitary and mournful tone?

    "Nature" "spending time with herself"
    "The Morning foreign shown"
    "A Quiteness Distilled"
  • "Nature" "spending time with herself"
    Isolation so acute it is reflected in her writing, inserting herself into the narrative
  • "The Morning foreign shown"

    Odd syntax shows how unfamiliar the happiness and connection the outside world has become - show isolation
  • Why are Dickenson's emotions so raw and real in As Impercebtibly as Grief?
    Totally private letters, published posthumously
  • Why does Dickenson create a solitary, melancholic tone?
    She felt her life was wasted away, as she never left the family property for last 2 decades of her life, not even leaving for brothers funeral!
  • What quotes does Armitage use to create a tender and loving tone in The Manhunt?

    "passionate nights and intimate days"
    "handle and hold' "mind and attend"
  • How does "passionate nights and intimate days" create a tender and loving tone in The Manhunt?

    Juxtaposition between time phrases proves no matter the external conditions their love is unwavering
  • How does "handle and hold' "mind and attend" create a tender and loving tone in The Manhunt?

    Double verbs imply the deliberate and delicate care Laura is placing into helping her husband through his grief
  • Why does Armitage create a tender and loving tone in The Manhunt?

    Emphasise that grief can only be overcome with love and support, need proper support network and therapy for soldier
  • Which quotes show Dickensons use of Nature Imagery?

    "The Summer"
  • How does Dickenson show that grief is universal?
    Capitalise them
    Compare them to seasons - entirely natural human experience
  • Which quotes show Armitage comparing effects of war to nature?
    "foetus of metal"
    "frozen river"
  • How is the structure of Imperceptibly as Grief unstable at the start?

    Frequent dashes - weight of grief means her mind cannot stay on one thing
    Tentative Iambic Tetrameter and Rhyme Scheme frequently broken with intensely negative words such as "harrowing" and "sequestering"
    Half rhymes between "hurt" and "heart"
    Inconsistent stanza length
  • How is the structure of Imperceptibly as Grief stable by the end?

    Dashes disappear
    End stopped line - sense of peace and finality
  • How is the structure of The Manhunt fragile at the start?

    Half rhymes of "hurt" and "half"
    Stanzas of inconsistent length
  • How is the strucutre of The Manhunt strong by the end?
    Rhyming couplets appear by end - complete
  • In Imperceptibly As Grief and The Manhunt, the structure gets stronger as the poem progresses. Why?
    At first, shows how bruttle and delicate lives can be under th strain of grief
    To show the healing power of time - by the end able to appreciate bittersweet nature of grief since it only exists when we have something valuable to lose, leaves behind " the Beautiful"
  • Quotes Owens use to create intensly critical tone to highlight immorality of war?

    "an ecstasy of fumbling"
    "old beggars" "hags"
    "boys" "children"
    "the old lie"
  • Why does Owens create an intensly critical tone to highlight immorality of war?

    Attacking "Who's for the game" - injustice of the goverment sending young boys who hope for adventure, unprepared on the battlefield. Wants us to stop glorifying war and open our eyes to the true horrors
  • Quotes Brook (The Soldier) uses to create an patriotic and celebartory tone?

    "England bore, shaped, and made aware"
  • Why does Brooke create a celebatory and patriotic tone?

    Encouraging men to fight - have a duty to pay back motherland, and to provoke sense of pride in nationality
  • Quotes of Brooke utilising religious imagery to glorify warfare?

    "a richer dust concealed" - link to "ashes to ashes, dust to dust"
    "an English heaven"
  • Why does Brooke use religious imagery to glorify warfare?
    Reassure family that if soldiers die, they will be rewarded in afterlife
    Honouring the valour of soldiers - almost saint like
    Euphemisms perhaps show Brookes unwillingness to die - no experince
  • Quotes of Owens utilising religious imagery to demonise warfare?

    "hanging face" compared to "devils sick of sin"
    "froth corrupted lungs"
    "vile incurable sores"
  • Why does Owens utilise religious imagery to demonise warfare?

    Wanted to fully expose evils of warfare to attack pro-war "lie"
  • Context behind Brookes use of strucutre in The Soldier?

    Sonnet and slow pace to evoke awe and respect for soldiers
    Romanticised war as never fought in it, naive excitiment of pre war england
  • How does the structure of The Soldier reflects Brooke's attitude to war?

    Sonnet - love poems. His naivety to war means he is romanticising it
    Causura in last stanza slows pace, reflection and admiration
  • How does the structure of Dulce reflect Owens attitude to war?

    The rhyme scheme and line length are irregular and unpredicatble - chaos of war yet unrelentless suffering of soldiers
    Ejambment - ardous marches of soldiers
  • Context behind Owens use of strucutre in Dulce?

    Unrelentless, exhausting and arduous - Owens had experience the chaos of war first hand and wanted poem to be true reflection
  • Quotes of how Dove creates a gently mocking tone when referring to nature ( hurricane floyd)?

    "Big Bad Floyd"
    "oddly male"
    "cussing up a storm"
  • Why does Dove create a gently mocking tone when referring to nature (hurricane floyd)?

    After 1999 Hurricane Floyd killed 4 in Virginia - putting up a facade of bravery by undermining natures power
  • How does Keats create a tone of respect and thankfulness when referring to Nature?

    The Title - " To Autumn"
    Semantic field of plenty - "o'er brimming" "swell" "plump", typical ode only has 10 lines but this has 11
    Summer is uncomfortable - "clammy" "close bosomed"
    Winter is melancholy - "soft dying" " mourn"
  • Why does Keats create a tone of respect and thankfulness when referring to Nature?

    Celebrates solace of autumn between 2 seasons of extremes and perhaps emphasise time - end of career due to financial problems and tuberculosis
  • Quotes of Keats illustrating harmony of man and nature through imagery?

    Peronsification as a farm worker
    Semantic field of industry "Gleaner" "Half turned" "Cyder Press"
    With images of rest "Drowsd" "Sound asleep" - work harder than average man
  • Why does Keats illustrate the harmony of man and nature though imagery?

    As avid classical historian, drew on Greek myth of Dyonisus, associated with "fruitfulness" and alcohol ("cyder press"), benevolent forces
  • Quotes of Dove illustrating destructive relationship of man and nature through imagery?

    "This lamp [...] my pen" sees "hero" everywhere (asyndetic list)
    "bunkered aeire" (oxymoronic, not safe)
  • What is the structure of To Autumn like?
    Regular, reliable meter
    Only slightly disrupted by enjambment to imply passion and excitement