
Cards (27)

  • Chapter 1.1: The Door
    -Mr Utterson, lawyer and Mr Enfield (cousins) go on walks on Sundays
    -walk past a neglected house
    -Endfield reminded of a 'very odd story'
  • Chapter 1.2: The Story of the Door
    -Mr Enfield was out in London at 3am and saw a man trampling a girl
    -Mr Enfield went up to the ugly, scary man
    -Girl's family rushed to the scene and called a Doctor
    -Everyone (Enfield, family and doctor) hated the man and wanted to ruin his reputation
  • Chapter 1.3: The Story of the Door
    -The man offered to pay compensation (had to pay £100)
    -Took them to the place with the door, brought out gold and a cheque book with an unmentionable name
    -Enfield doubts cheque but is accepted by the bank
    -Enfield suspects that the cheque involved blackmail
  • Chapter 1.4: The Story of the Door
    -Enfield reveals man's name is Hyde
    -Hyde has a key for neglected building
    -Utterson may know the name on the cheque
  • Chapter 2.1: Search for Mr Hyde
    -Utterson goes home and searches for Jekyll's will
    -He finds out that Hyde is the sole benefactor if Jekyll dies or disappears for more than 3 months
    -Utterson shocked, goes see Dr Lanyon (friend) to see if he knows anything
  • Chapter 2.2: Search for Mr Hyde
    -Utterson and Lanyon talk about Jekyll but Lanyon reveals they have fallen out due to Jekyll's "unscientific balderdash"
    -Utterson ignores this and asks about Hyde but Lanyon doesn't know who this is
    -Utterson goes home
  • Chapter 2.3: Search for Mr Hyde
    -Utterson unable to sleep as thoughts and nightmares of Hyde plague is mind
    -Wants to find Hyde so these thoughts can stop
    -Finds Hyde near the door and asks to see his face (no description), Hyde gives his Soho address so that they can talk about the will
    -Utterson wants to know how Hyde knows him saying Jekyll told him about Utterson which is a lie
  • Chapter 2.4: Search for Mr Hyde
    -Utterson decides to visit Jekyll as he realises that Jekyll's house is right around the corner from where Utterson saw Hyde at the door
    -Utterson is greeted by Poole (butler of Jekyll) and asks about Jekyll as well as Hyde as he realises he has the key to Jekyll's lab and the door is connected to Jekyll's home
    -Utterson is worried as Jekyll isn't in and staff must respect Hyde
  • Chapter 3: Dr Jekyll was quite at ease
    -chapter takes place a fortnight later, Utterson goes to Jekyll's dinner party
    -He expresses his concern about Jekyll's will and at the mention of Hyde, Jekyll shuts down the conversation
    -Jekyll asks Utterson to honour his will and does this begrudgingly
  • Chapter 4.1: The Carew Murder Case
    -1 year later maid sees Hyde beating an old man to death with a cain from her window, she could hear his bones break
    -On the body.of the dead man: Half of Hyde's cane, the man's wallet and watch (not a mugging) and a letter addressed to Mr Utterson.
  • Chapter 4.2: The Carew Murder Case
    -Utterson identifies body - SirDanvers Carew (Local MP) and noticed the cane he gifted to Jekyll on the body
    -Utterson takes police to Hyde's Soho apartment
    -Hyde has irregular habits as he wasn't in his apartment for the last two months but came in yesterday.
    -Hyde's Landlady said he wasn't in
  • Chapter 4.3: The Carew Murder Case
    -Utterson, police and landlady explore Hyde's lavish Soho apartment but appears to have recently been ransacked
    -Utterson believes Hyde might go to a bank because of his home
    -However its hard to identify Hyde although he has an intangible sense of deformity, he remains a mystery
  • Chapter 5.1: Incident of the letter
    -Utterson heads to Jekyll's house meeting him in the lab
    -Jekyll looks 'deadly sick'
    -Discussing the murder, Utterson asks if Jekyll is hiding Hyde but Jekyll swears he's done with Jekyll
  • Chapter 5.2: Incident of the letter
    -Jekyll gives Utterson a letter from Hyde, telling Jekyll not to worry about him
    -The envelope was burned so no address
    -Utterson is suspicious about the letter as Poole reports to him that there was no mail that had come that day
  • Chapter 5.3: Incident of the letter
    -That Evening, Mr Guest arrives at Utterson's who's a head clerk and a handwriting expert
    -Guest says despite the odd slant in Hyde's writing, Jekyll and Hyde's handwriting are identical
    -Utterson worries why Jekyll would forge a letter on Hyde's behalf
  • Chapter 6.1: Remarkable Incident of Dr Lanyon
    -Time passes but Hyde still hasn't been found yet. Rumours begin to spread
    -Following the disappearance, Jekyll becomes more philanthropic, warm and welcoming
    -By mid-January, Jekyll shuts himself out
  • Chapter 6.2: Remarkable Incident of Dr Lanyon

    -Utterson goes to see Lanyon who looks like he's on the brink of death
    -Utterson asks about Jekyll, but Lanyon shuts him down saying Jekyll is dead to him
    _Utter writes a Letter to Jekyll, Jekyll responds saying he wishes to live a life of seclusion as he has done something very bad.
  • Chapter 6.3: Remarkable Incident of Dr Lanyon

    -Lanyon dies around 3 weeks later
    -Utterson opens an envelope from Lanyon in the event of his death just to find another envelope that can only be opened once Jekyll dies or disappears
    -Poole told Utterson that Jekyll is spending more time in his lab
  • Chapter 7.1: Incident at the window
    -Enfield and Utterson are yet on another one of their customary Sunday walk
    -They stop by the place with the door, Jekyll's place which Utterson didn't recognise its connected to Jekyll's house
    -Utterson is worried about Jekyll and suggest they should pop by and maybe keep him company
  • Chapter 7.2: Incident at the window

    -Jekyll is sat sadly by one of his windows, Utterson sees this and offers him to come outside with them
    -Jekyll declines and a sudden look of terror ends their conversation, thus he closes the window
    -Utterson and Enfield leave disturbed
  • Chapter 8.1: The Last Night
    -Poole hurries to Utterson and is extremely worried about Jekyll but doesn't say why
    -Poole and Utterson go back to Jekyll's house and all the staff are disturbed
    -Poole takes Utterson to Jekyll's outside lab but has to make sure he hears and not heard
    -They don't enter the room he's in
  • Chapter 8.2: The Last Night
    -Jekyll and Poole speak but it sounds nothing like him
    -Poole says speaker is crying about medicine and has been demanding medicine all week
    -Utterson reads one of these demands and it has Jekyll's handwriting, tone changes severely at the end
  • Chapter 8.3: The Last Night
    -Poole saw the speaker but he wore a mask and ran away
    -Utterson thinks Jekyll is sick
    -Poole disagrees and thinks that its Hyde as the speaker is shorter than Jekyll
    -Poole thinks Jekyll was murdered
  • Chapter 8.4: The Last Night

    -Utterson summons Bradshaw and Cretes a plan, Utterson, Poole and Bradshaw aim to break into the cabinet
    -They hear strange pacing at the door and Poole remarks that this person once was weeping
  • Chapter 8.5: The Last Night

    -Utterson demands to see Jekyll but Hyde begs him not to come in through the cabinet door
    -Utterson + Poole break in but the cabinet seems to be in good order
    -Middle of room Hyde is wearing Jekyll's clothes, holding a crushed vial in his hand, dead
  • Chapter 8.6: The Last Night

    -Utterson says they're too late to help Hyde but hope they have time to find Jekyll's body
    -Search the entire lab but cannot find Jekyll anywhere
    -In the search they find a rusty key and the remnants of a chemical experiment
  • Chapter 8.7: The Last Night

    -They find a new envelope from Jekyll addressed to Utterson
    -it contains a new will with Utterson as the sole benefactor, a note from J to tell U to read Lanyon's envelope, and bundle of papers
    -Utterson goes home to read everything