Cards (8)

  • what is the actus reus of battery?
    Where the D inflicts unlawful personal violence onto the victim
  • what legislation governs what battery is?
    Section 39 of the criminal justice act 1988 and common law
  • what is the significance of the case of dpp v K?
    it is an example of an indirect battery
  • what is the significance of the case of dpp v santana burmudez?

    It is an example of a battery via an omission
  • what is the significance of the case of r v thomas?
    It shows that touching clothing can ammount to the actus reus of battery
  • what is the significance of the case of collins v wilcock?
    It shows that mere touching is enough to ammount to the actus reus of battery
  • what is the men's rea of battery?
    Where the D intents to inflict unlawful violence onto the V or they are subjectively reckless.
  • what does it mean, in terms of battery, that the defendant was subjectively reckless?
    The D recognised the risk, given thought to the fact that they may inflict violence onto the V and took the risk regardless.