Explanation of phobia

Cards (3)

  • Two process model - behavioural approach to explaining phobias
    Mowrer - phobias can be learned through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
    classical conditioning - learning through association
    operant conditioning - phobias are negatively reinforced
  • Watson and Rayner
    little Albert
    aim - investigate whether a fear response can be learned through CC in humans
    • 11 moth old - little Albert
    • originally showed no response to various objects such as a white rat
    • to see if they could induce fear they struck a metal bar with a hammer behind his head causing a loud startling noise every time he reached for the rat
    • whenever he was showed the rat he cried
    • fear response can be induced through classical conditioning. little Albert also developed fears to similar objects including a white beard
  • AO3 of behavioural approach to phobias
    + research support - Watson and Rayner - little Albert
    + application to therapy - systematic desensitisation and flooding
    -ignores role of cognition - phobias may be a result of irrational thinking rather than just learning
    -doesn't provide a complete explanation - Bounton - evolutionary factors could play a role in phobias and the avoidance of particular stimulus that could of caused pain to our ancestors