Working memory model

Cards (7)

  • working memory model
    Baddeley and Hitch- 1974
    focuses on short term memory
    consists of:
    • central executive
    • phonological loop
    • visa-spatial sketchpad
  • Central executive 

    Control centre of the WMM, supervisory function and controls Slave systems
    Limited capacity
    any sensory modality
  • Phonological loop 

    Temporary storage for verbal info for verbal information, held in speech based info - also contains articulatory control system and phonological store
    limited capacity
    acoustic information
  • Visuo-spatial sketchpad

    Temporary storage system for visual and spatial information. Can be broken down into inner scribe and visual cache
    limited capacity
    visual and spatial info
  • Case support - patient KF

    Injured in a motorcycle accident
    was able to recall stored info from his LTM but had issues with STM
    Able to remember visual images, including faces but unable to remember sounds
    supports slave systems
  • Dual task support - Baddeley and hitch
    When both tasks require the participant to use their phonogical loop their ability to perform the task is impaired
    gowever whe one uses phonogical loop and the other requires visio-spatial sketchpad then performance isn’t impaired
  • Only focuses on STM

    Link between wmm and ltm isn’t fully explained
    wmm provides detailed description of stm but no info on how info is processed
    wmm is an incomplete model