
Cards (44)

  • Respiration
    All processes of gas movement and metabolism
  • Internal / Cellular Respiration
    Intracellular metabolic processes in mitochondria which use O2 and produce CO2 to derive energy from nutrient molecules
  • External Respiration

    Sequence of events involved in exchange of O2 and CO2 between external environment and cellular mitochondria
  • Mitochondria
    • Cell "powerhouse"
    • Site of internal/cellular respiration
  • External Respiration

    1. Breathing movements to ensure supply
    2. Diffusion of O2 and CO2 across respiratory surfaces
    3. Bulk transport of gases in blood: O2 on proteins, CO2 as bicarbonate
    4. Diffusion of O2 and CO2 across capillaries between blood and mitochondria
  • Fick's Law

    Gas diffusion follows Fick's Law for partial pressure, not concentration
  • Partial pressure

    • In mixture of gases, individual gas independently exerts pressure known as partial pressure (e.g. PO2)
  • Factors affecting diffusion

    • Diffusion changes linearly with surface area, coefficient D, inversely with distance
  • External respiration

    • Must meet animal's O2 demands
    • Depends on (i) size, (ii) metabolism and (iii) habitat
  • Simple exchange animals

    • Small
    • Thin
    • Sluggish
  • Animals with enhanced transport and exchange

    • Large
    • More active
    • Low O2 environments
  • Respiratory Organs

    • Skin
    • Gills
    • Lungs
    • Gas Bladders
  • Gills
    • Vg/Q = 10-20 (ventilation : perfusion ratio)
    • External: larvae of lungfishes, some teleosts
    • Internal: amphibians
  • Lungs
    • Va/Q = 1
  • Cutaneous gas exchange
    Cutaneous = "of the skin"
  • Tracheal System

    • Air tubes throughout the body
  • Water Breathers

    • Problems: Less O2 in water than air, water viscosity, lower diffusion rates, decreased solubility with temperature, wide habitat variation
    • Solutions: Gills highly branched + very efficient (90% O2 extraction), Increased ventilation, Countercurrent flow enhances gas gradients in fish: gill lamellae blood always encounters water with higher O2
  • Air Breathers

    • Problems: Do not need to be as efficient exchange surfaces BUT need to prevent drying out
    • Solutions: Snails/slugs – moist habitats, Insects use tracheae, actively ventilated by air sacs and body movements, Vertebrates – skin + lungs
  • Tracheae in a Grasshopper

    • Tracheae lined with moist, thin epithelium forming respiratory surface for gas exchange
  • Mammals use less air than fish do water
  • Ventilation / Perfusion

    Mammals = 1, Fish = 10
  • Mammalian Lungs

    • Airways terminate in alveoli
    • Involved in both ventilation and gas exchange (c.f. reptiles and birds)
    • Lungs inflated and deflated by changes in pressures produced by respiratory muscles (e.g. diaphragm, ribs)
  • Human Respiratory Tract

    • Trachea
    • Primary Bronchi
    • Secondary Bronchi
    • Tertiary Bronchi
    • Bronchioles
    • Lungs
  • Rat Dissection

    • Trachea
    • Lungs
    • Lungs
    • Heart
  • Mammalian Lung Alveoli

    • Surfactants required to keep from sticking shut
  • Respiratory surface vs body weight

    Non-smoker vs Smoker
  • Negative Pressure Breathing
    1. Inhalation
    2. Exhalation
  • Breathing movements

    1. Front View: Inhalation, Exhalation
    2. Side View: Inhalation, Exhalation
  • Lungs
    • Stretched to fill thorax: air pressures important in respiratory mechanics
  • Regulation of Ventilation

    • Ventilation of airways regulated to match perfusion
    • Breathing in mammals by negative feedback system
    • Peripheral chemosensors in arteries/brainstem
    • Multiple regulatory centres in brainstem
    • Effector breathing muscles
  • PO2
    Important in homeostasis in water breathers
  • PCO2 and H+

    Important in homeostasis in air breathers
  • Haemoglobin
    • 4 globin subunits, each with 1 haem group
    • Fe in haem binds oxygen: Reversible
    • ~250 million molecules of haemoglobin per rbc
  • Haemoglobin Binding

    • Affected by Temperature, pH, phosphate, CO2
  • O2-Haemoglobin Curve

    Sigmoidal curve arises from Hb subunit "co-operativity"
  • The Bohr Effect
    Haemoglobin loses affinity for oxygen with decreasing pH
  • P50
    Partial pressure of oxygen when 50% of respiratory protein is saturated
  • High Altitude Adaptation

    • Llama, Andes, S.America: Haemoglobin adapted to lower O2 levels
  • O2 stores of diving organisms

    • Generally, majority of O2 stored in blood
  • Icefish
    • Only vertebrates lacking red blood cells and haemoglobin
    • Survives with large heart, low metabolic rate and high O2 solubility at low temp.
    • Less than 10% of normal O2 carrying capacity (dissolved in plasma)