bank secrecy law (ra 1405)

Cards (10)

  • trust accounts and investments in gov bonds are covered by bank secrecy law
  • crime of theft where it is unknown where the funds were deposited is not an exception to secrecy of bank deposits
  • foreign currency = exempt from garnishment
  • garnishment = not a vilation of bank secrecy law
  • 10 year period - for a deposit to be considered as covered by Unclaimed Balances Act
  • Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp
    • receiver of banks
  • amount of insured deposits for each legitimate deposit shall not exceed 500k
  • savings deposit, cert of time deposit, foreign currency deposit are considered as insured deposit
  • depositor must file claim within 2 years from actual takeover of the closed bank
  • covered institutions shall report to AMLC all covered transactions within 15 working days from occurrence