2. When a sperm cell meets the oocyte, proteins on the sperm cell plasma membrane bind receptors on the zona pellucida (outer layer or "shell") of oocyte
3. The sperm enters the oocyte cytoplasm and outer layer becomes impermeable to additional sperm
4. Within an hour, sperm and egg nuclei (pro-nuclei) fuse to form a nucleus and zygote (diploid single celled embryo)
5. Conceptus: Refers to embryo and early placental tissue
6. First mitotic cell division within 24-48 h
7. Inner cell mass (becomes fetus)
8. Trophectoderm (becomes placenta)
9. The early conceptus eventually migrates into the uterus and begins to hatch from the zona pellucida
10. Paracrine communication between the conceptus and the endometrium is important to maintain pregnancy
11. The cow conceptus secretes interferon tau (IFNT) to signal its presence and disrupt luteolysis