Interpreting Tables

Cards (3)

  • Standard deviation (SD):
    • A high SD means scores are more spread around the mean, so higher variation in scores
    • Scores are less consistent and there are more individual differences in the results
    • A low SD means scores are less spread around the mean, so less variation in scores
    • Scores are more consistent and there are less individual differences in the results
  • Mean:
    • Provides a good indication of the average score participants gain
    • The higher the mean, the greater the score (generally, check with the scenario)
    • Higher the mean, the more effective the higher condition is (check with scenario to be sure)
  • Writing frame:
    The mean for condition A (AO2) is ___ which is higher/lower than the mean for condition B (AO2), which is ___. Therefore, this suggests that ___. (Effect on the DV)
    The standard deviation for condition A (AO2) is ___ which is higher/lower than the standard deviation for condition B (AO2), which is ___. Therefore, this suggest that ___. (What does it suggest about the variation in scores and individual differences?)