(talking about the ring) foreboding that lastsummer when Gerald was away at the works, he had an affair with Eva/Daisy, ironically she let him out of her sight.
"they're not cheap labour, they're people" - sheila
Sheila is contradicting her father'sopinion and showing more socialistviews and seeing lowerclasswomen as humanbeings rather than just oppurtunities to exploit and earnmoremoney.
"what'sthis about the streets" - sheila
when women couldn't find work, they would be forced to turn to prostitution when going onto the streets. Sheila is upperclass and detached from society, meaning she is oblivious to the problem's that lowerclasswomenface.
"I'll never do it again" - sheila
She shows remorse for her actions and accepts social responsibility for what she has done, unlike Mr Birling who is far more stubborn.
"oh howhorrible!" - sheila
sheila expressessympathy for Eva'sdeath unlike the rest of her family, who don't seen to care or reactproperly.