
Cards (4)

  • "O Antony ... We must appear bloody and cruel ... Our hearts are pitiful"

    Brutus thinks killing Caesar was the right thing to do. Even though they may look really bad for killing him, Brutus wants to protect Rome. He cares about Rome
  • "Brutus, my country's friend; know me for Brutus!"

    Brutus would rather die than be a prisoner of Antony and Octavius because he would be seen as weak. And so he kills himself to be seen as he is an honourable man. He dies as a hero
  • He is the main character of the play. Not Julius Caesar
  • "I love the name of honour more than I fear death"

    Brutus is prepared to sacrifice himself at any situation. This shows that he is very committed and honourable. This foreshadows his death later in the play