Relationship of the Media

Cards (11)

  • In a nutshell

    Some argue consumers are passive when using and interpreting the media. Eg the hypodermic syringe model suggests the media have the ability to inject media texts into audiences. Vs some believe consumers are passive when using and interpreting the media because they have freedom in what they want to consume, rejecting messages they do not agree with. Neo-Marxists suggest that the dominant hegemonic viewpoint is accepted by most audiences. Relationship with the media also explores the uses and gratifications model, where people use the media for a variety of needs.
  • Active audiences - TWO-STEP FLOW MODEL

    Katz and Lazarsfeld found media audiences are not directly affected by the media. Instead, audiences adopt a certain opinion after discussion with a group leader - therefore, the group leader is exposed to the content, and those who respect the leader internalise the interpretation of content.

    Blumer & McQuail suggest people use the media actively to fulfil their own personal needs, which is dependent on class, age, gender, etc. The ways individuals use the media includes:Diversion, personal identity, personal relationships and surveillance
  • Active audiences - SELECTIVE FILTER MODEL

    An interpretivist approach by Klapper who suggests there are 3 filters people apply when interpreting the media:
    Selective exposure - people choose what they want to expose themselves to in the media. 
    Selective perception - people  may choose to accept or reject a media message depending on whether or not it fits in with their own views.​
    Selective retention - people will forget material that is not in line with their views and interests, and only remember media messages that reflect their interests.

    The media acts like a syringe in which it injects messages, attitudes and beliefs into its audience. The audience are passive and powerless, therefore unwillingly accept these messages.
    A marxist model of thought by GMG that believes the media transmits capitalist norms and values through a slow drip drip effect over a long period of time. Media content contains ideological messages that reflect those who own the media (white,middle class, men). Most people end up accepting the preferred way of reading.
  • Violence in the media

    The media is often blamed for causing crime in society. There have been numerous moral panics surrounding the issue of the effects of violent video games, TV shows, movies and song lyrics.
  • Imitation 

     exposure to media violence causes children to copy what they see and be more violent in the real world.
  • Catharsis
     media violence does not make viewers more aggressive, but instead reduces violence as it allows individuals to live out their violent tendencies in the fantasy world.
  • Desensitisation
     repeated exposure to media violence has gradual ‘drip-drip’ long-term effects, socialising audiences into accepting a culture of violence.
  • Sensitisation
     exposure to media violence can make people more sensitive to the consequences of it in real life