loosecollection of small states: linked similar culture and language
Prussia was the biggest state
unified in 1871
What was Prussian Militarism and why did this become so important in the new Germany?
Prussia wanted to unite other states into a unified Germany
Having a mightyarmy and advancedweapons was important because unified Germany could be strong and welldefended.
How did the Kaiser rule over Germany?
Bunderstrat: representatives from each of the states in Germany assembled to meet and advise him on new laws
Reichstag: elected by public and its members could pass or reject laws
Why might some people describe Kaiser's government a dictatorshipdressedup as a democracy?
Kaiser disliked working with Reichstag
didn't believe in democracy
relied on his army and militaryadvisors
Kaiser held ultimatepower (could dismiss the chancellor and ignore the Bunderstrat and Reichstag when he disagreed).
What were Kaiser Wilhelm II's ambitions and beliefs?
wanted to make Germany a leadingindustrialpower
wanted an empire to compete for his place in thesun
wanted most powerful armedforces in the world
wanted a navy like Britain's to enable him to fight for his placein the sun (gain more power)
Describe 3 ways in which German economy grew between 1890 and 1914
surpassed Britain in industrial production
produced more iron and steel than Britain
German electrical and chemical goods dominated European markets (enables them to become globalleaders and traders)
How did the economic growth lead to a rise in socialism?
the working class were the largest social group in Germany
wanted better representation
political groups like the SPD started becoming more popular
how did socialism pose as a problem for the Kaiser?
they didn’t believe in the class system and monarchy
tradeunions became more popular (by 1914 membership was 3.3 million)
in 1903, the SPD had 81 seats in the reichstag, which made it harder for the Kaiser to pass legislation
the Kaiser still saw the SPD and trade unions as a threat and didn’t wanna give them more power
How did the Kaiser try to deal with the threat from socialism?
introduced limitedsocialreforms: the Workers ProtectionAct, which introduced safety in the workplace
Weltpolitik focused on expanding German territory,army and navy. The Kaiser hoped this would distract them and appeal a senseofpatriotism with Germany becoming a worldpower
What were the naval laws?
extracttaxtofundnavy & expansion
Why were the naval laws unpopular with socialists?
increased spending on navy led to an increase in taxes, which affected the poor
naval laws were popular and opposition towards them were seen as unpatriotic
as a result, socialistcampaigned against the naval laws and SPD lost 36 seats in the 1907 election
why did the tide of feeling in Germany turn against the Kaiser during WW1?
naval blockades prevented imports of food and led to starvation
people were war-weary: epidemic of the Spanishflu, which lead to widespreaddeaths
a jewish communist (KurtEisner) encouraged a massuprising amongst workers
the navy and troops mutinied
how did the social unrest lead to the November 1918 revolution?
SPD staged a publicprotest in Berlin calling for the abdication of the Kaiser
the Kaiserabdicated and Germany was declared a republic in November1918
on November11th the Armistice was signed under pressure from hunger and lowpublicmorale
why did the new government sign the armistice?
right wing Germans believed that Germany could have won the war and that the military and their sacrifices had been betrayed by socialists and communists
who saw the signing of the armistice as a betrayal?
socialists signed it allowing assurances from the US that there would be a fair peace that followed.
those who signed the armistice were nick named the ’NovemberCriminals’
why did the new german government came to be known as the Weimar government?
the government relocated to Weimar because Berlin was too dangerous and unstable
who was the first president of the new government?
Frederich Ebert
what is a constitution?
a set of writtenrules
how to govern
how was the new constitution democratic?
small political parties were given seats
women could vote for the first time and so could adults aged over 20
MP’s were elected every 4 years and were given seats in parliament based on proportionalrepresentation
what were the constitutions weaknesses and flaws?
proportionalrepresentation meant that there were too many parties present. this made decisionmaking very slow at a time when Germany needed decisiveleadership
the president had the ability to overridedecisions using Article48
the whole system was inefficient and idealistic, which meant it didn’t work well in practice
what was Article 48?
special emergencylaws and whoever had access to it could rule without parliament
what was the social unrest in Germany between 1919-1922 and how were they dealt with?
The SparticistRevolt1919: communists led by RosaLuxembourg and CarlLiebknecht tried to take over Berlin.
50,000 workers went on strike but the revolt was violently suppressed by the Freikorps
The Kapp Putsch1920: organised to attempt to overthrow the government (rebellion)
Why was it so dangerous to be a Weimar politician in these years?
there were 350politicalassassinations between 1919-1922
in 1921, MathiasErzberger was shot dead by a right wing group because he signedthearmistice
Why was the Ruhr invaded?
because of the failure to keepup with the reparationspayments
who was the Ruhr invaded by?
French and Belgian troops as Germany failed to pay the secondinstalment
took over the factories that reservedcoal and steel (this was a trigger of the hyperinflationcrisis)