biotic and abiotic factors

Cards (3)

  • biotic(living) factors
    • availability of food- more food,more chance of survival and reproduction, increasing population
    • new predators-in balances ecosystem, predator catches enough pray to survive but not enough to wipe out pop, new predator= unbalanced
  • biotic (living) factors
    • new pathogen- no immunity or resistance in population so may be wipes out
    • competition-2 compete for same resources, one better adapted so outcompetes the other. may continue until there are too few species to breed successfully
  • abiotic (non-living) factors
    • light intensity= increased photosynthesis=increased growth
    • temperature= increased photosynthesis
    • moisture levels= water needed for survival
    • soil PH and mineral= diff plants adapted to diff conditions
    • c02 and 02 levels= photosynthesis and respiration