Clinical characteristics of mental disorders

    Cards (10)

    • Symptoms of Phobias

      • Behavioural symptoms
      • Emotional symptoms
      • Cognitive symptoms
    • Behavioural symptoms of Phobias

      • Panic - behaviours such as crying, running, screaming, freezing, fainting, collapsing, vomiting in the presence of the feared stimulus
      • Avoidance - behaviours such as not going to places where the feared stimulus might be encountered
      • Endurance - behaviours such as remaining in the presence of the feared stimulus (better to keep an eye on the danger)
    • Emotional symptoms of Phobias

      • Anxiety - feelings of worry/distress in the presence of the feared stimulus
      • Fear - feelings of terror/feeling scared
      • Emotional response is unreasonable (disproportionate to any threat posed)
    • Cognitive symptoms of Phobias

      • Irrational beliefs (don't have any basis in reality) about the stimulus that causes fear
      • Selective attention to the phobic stimulus - keep looking at it (which causes poor concentration on other things)
      • Cognitive distortions - perceptions (how we see things) are inaccurate
    • Behavioural symptoms of OCD

      • Compulsions - actions that are repeated e.g., counting
      • Compulsions reduce anxiety - repetitive behaviour performed in order to reduce anxiety e.g., washing hands
      • Avoidance - keep away from situations that trigger their anxiety e.g., not touching bins if they fear germs
    • Emotional symptoms of OCD

      • Anxiety and distress - the obsessive thoughts can cause someone to feel frightened
      • Accompanying depression - low mood and lack of enjoyment in activities
      • Guilt and disgust - over minor moral issues and things like dirt
    • Cognitive symptoms of OCD

      • Obsessions-persistent and reoccurring thoughts or images that are unwanted and cause distress
      • Awareness that obsessions and compulsions are not rational; however, they remain hyper vigilant (constantly looking for danger) and have catastrophic thinking (think worst case scenario)
      • Cognitive coping strategies - people do things that they think will help alleviate their obsessions
    • Behavioural symptoms of Depression

      • Disruption to sleep and eating behaviour - increase (hypersomnia) or decrease (insomnia) and likewise for eating leading to weight loss or gain
      • Aggression towards self (self-harm) and others
      • Change in activity levels - usually reduced (lethargy) which leads to withdrawal from work, education and social activities. Sometimes the opposite; psychomotor agitation (pacing up and down)
    • Emotional symptoms of Depression

      • Lowered mood - extreme sadness (feeling worthless and empty)
      • Anger - directed to self or others
      • Lowered self-esteem - like themselves less than usual
    • Cognitive symptoms of Depression

      • Negative schema - focus on the negatives (a glass half-empty rather than half-full)
      • Poor concentration - unable to stick to a task or make decisions
      • Absolutist thinking - see unfortunate events as an absolute disaster
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