Pervasive type of psychosischaracterized by disturbed thought, emotion, behavior
Positive symptoms: activemanifestations of abnormal behavior, perceptions or exaggerations of normal behavior
Negative symptoms: prominent absence of normalbehavior (e.g. lack of emotion, persistence, speech)
Disorganized symptoms: disorganizedspeech,emotions, and behavior
Sensory experiences in the absence of external sensory input (e.g. hearing voices)
Inaccurate beliefs that are contrary to reality (e.g. beliefs of persecution, grandeur)
Positive symptoms
Active manifestations of abnormal behavior, perceptions or exaggerations of normal behavior
Negative symptoms
Prominent absence of normal behavior (e.g. lack of emotion, persistence, speech)
Disorganized symptoms
Disorganizedspeech,emotions, and behavior
Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia requires two or more of the following symptoms for a significantperiod of time:hallucinations, delusions,disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonicbehavior, negativesymptoms
Schizoaffective disorder
Characterized by a moodepisode (major depressive or manic) concurrent with the activephasesymptoms of schizophrenia
Diagnostic criteria for schizoaffectivedisorder requires a mood episode concurrent with schizophreniasymptoms, and schizophreniasymptoms present for the majority of the illness duration
Delusional disorder
Characterized by the presence of one or more delusions that are contrary to reality, without the full positive,negative, and disorganized symptoms of schizophrenia
Diagnostic criteria for delusionaldisorder requires the presence of one or more delusions for at least 1 month, without meeting criteria for schizophrenia
Characterized by the presence of positive symptoms of schizophrenia (e.g. hallucinations,delusions,disorganizedspeech/behavior) that last at least 1 day but less than 1 month, with eventual full return to premorbid functioning
Comorbidities of schizophrenia include substance use disorders and anxiety disorders
Schizoaffectivedisorder is characterized by the presence of a mood episode (major depressive or manic) concurrent with the active phase symptoms of schizophrenia
Delusionaldisorder is characterized by the presence of one or more delusions that are contrary to reality, without the full positive, negative, and disorganized symptoms of schizophrenia
Briefpsychoticdisorder is characterized by the presence of positive symptoms of schizophrenia (e.g. hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech/behavior) that last at least 1 day but less than 1month, with eventual full return to premorbid functioning