effector mechanisms

Cards (35)

  • thymus dependant antibody production:
    1.        Dendritic cells present antigen to CD4T, resulting in T cell activation and differentiation (Tfh)
    2.        BCR recognises surface antigen, which is processes and associates with MHC 2
    3.        B cell presents antigen to Tfh via MHC class 2, and provides co-stimulation (to produce antibodies) and IL-21
    4.        B cells differentiate, proliferate, and secrete plasma cells
  • CD4T cells differentiate to help B cells to produce antibodies or migrate into germinal centres
  • somatic hypermutation
    BCR undergoes mutations in genes that encode variable regions, so antibodies are of higher affinity
  • IgM
    complement activation
  • IgG (IgG1 and IGG3)
    opsonisation, phagocytosis, complement, neonatal immunity
  • IgE and IgG4
    immunity against helminths and mast cell degraulation
  • IgA
    mucosal immunity
  • IFN-y stimulates IgG1 and IgG3
  • IL-4 stimulates IgG4 and IgE
  • TGF-b stimulates IgA
  • IFN-y with IL-6 stimulates IgG2
  • Antibodies produced by B cells neutralise bacteria and fungi
  • Antibody bound to antigens on the surface of cells via Fab and interaction of Fc with FcR on NK cell causes ADCC
  • complement coated bacteria 

    augments phagocytosis by phagocytic cells
  • Bacteria is directly lysed by complement + antibody complex
  • Th1
    targets intracellular pathogens
  • Th2
    targets helminths and parasites, activated eosinophils, mast cells, and basophils
  • Th17 activates neutrophils, targets extracellular bacteria and fungi
  • Tfh
    enables isotope switching and affinity maturation
  • Activated Th2 secrete IL-4, IL-4 inhibits differentiation of Th1
  • Treg supress differentiation of Th1 and Th2 by secreting TGF-b
  • Activated Th1 secrete IFN-y, IFN-y inhibits proliferation of Th2
  • IFN-y and IL-4 inhibit development of Th17
  • IFN-y and TNF enable macrophage activation and cell mediated immunity, but IL-10, IL-4, and IL-13 can inhibit this
  • Granule exocytosis pathway: perforin and granzymes
  • Perforins form a pore and deliver granules into the cytoplasm of target cells
  • Granzymes activate apoptosis
  • Non secretory pathway: Fas/FasL (death inducing signalling complex and apoptosis)
  • CD8T cells:
    -              Express unique TCR
    -              Recognise target cells via MHC1 + peptide
    -              Pre-activation and differentiation are necessary
    -              DC must present antigen to CD8
  • Receptors on NK cells can detect changes or dysregulation in the expression of various cell surface molecules
  • Inhibitory receptors recognise molecules that are constitutively expressed by all cells (e.g., MHC 1)
  • Activating receptors recognise surface proteins (induced by metabolic stress)
  • Inhibitory receptors ensure that activating receptor signalling is not turned on when not needed
  • Loss of inhibitory receptors is known as missing self
  • Expression of ligands on target cells for NK cell activating receptors triggers activation